Monday, March 17, 2008

Would you want this dog in your class?

My friend Ann, a retired school teacher, said of Sage: Boy, am I glad I didn't have her as a student.

Now, really, look at this dog....

As I think about it, I realize I probably would have spent many hours in the principal's office, trying to explain Sage and just how unique she is!  So, I guess I am glad Sage is home schooled.  But that is exactly what being owned by a lab is about.  Rapscallion labs.  And that is the fun of it.  I have many gray hairs, but none of them have been caused by Murphy or Sage...ok, maybe a few...but really, their job, their 24/7 work, is to keep me young.  They meet and exceed those goals.  Just this weekend I watched Sage rollick in a patch of snow, rolling, digging, sliding.  Murphy, following her nose found enough trouble for a 14 year old lab.  They never seem to grow up!

Knowing my friend, I bet she really enjoyed having students like Sage.   

From Murphy, Sage, and Kim McDonald....Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Murphy's day.

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