Saturday, March 8, 2008


I have been thinking a lot about change, recently.  How I go through life thinking everything is the same then all of a sudden I realize some things are different.  Like I am older and my body doesn't move the way it used to.  Or how flooding completely altered the watershed I walk the "girls."  Change.  

Sometimes the changes are sudden, like the flood, but more often change happens subtly, nuanced.  It becomes part of my being.

There are days now, when I can not focus a picture of Murphy being young.  I have to rummage through pictures, old photos of her tearing up the backyard, swimming in the Yakima, or running ahead on a trail.  Our slow, deliberate ways of being now define us. 

Sudden change, like the flooding, is certainly dramatic.  But the slowly evolving change allows time to adjust, to reconfigure, to accept.  

Murphy's day.

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