Friday, June 29, 2012

Hiding from Fireworks

We're off for a week, hiding from fireworks in eastern Washington.  We'll be back on July 9th, ready for summer (right?  Summer????).

Happy 4th of July!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Annie has a lot she can teach us about tolerance.  Something we all need to learn more about.  As Willa climbs on her, wrestles with her, moves in closer to the food bowl, Annie constantly shows me how to be tolerant.

It's a good lesson to have.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Growing Up

In another month, Willa will be one year old.  Of course, there is no maturity here (you know it's bad when I think of Annie Oakley as well behaved), but she sure has it in her head that she ought to be top dog.  That is until Sage reminds her otherwise.

It's been a lot of work to have three dogs.  And there are mornings (like when I want to sleep in) that I wonder what was I thinking.

On the other hand, I wouldn't have it any other way....I'm just waiting on the maturity part!

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I try to sleep in just a bit on the weekends.  Prior to Willa, I usually made it to 6:30 AM.  But Willa is an early riser, and around 5:15 AM she begins to rustle.  Then she gets Annie to help her, and they wiggle, lick, wrestle, cavort around me until I finally give in and get up.  They don't have, unfortunately, a snooze button.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, June 25, 2012


So we stayed home this weekend.  Weather all over was, well, wet, so might as well get some things done around the know, like mow the lawn.

We ran into a good friend while at Fred Meyer, long discussion about whether living in Bend, Oregon is better than Seattle (they have a place in Bend as well as Seattle).  Staying in the city is always rough, way too many people, way too much stress.  The girls seemed nonplused about it, but I certainly found myself gazing longingly at my fly rods.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Plans

Lots of talk about summer plans.  No matter what, the girls will be there....Sun Valley, Chico Hot Springs, Bend...indicative of how dogs have taken over our lives, do you happen to know how many pet friendly hotels there are in the West???

We're ready for summer!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


It was hot, ok, maybe not hot hot, but warmer than we have been used to in Seattle, this past weekend.

The girls were getting used to the heat.  Willa, new to everything in the world, found shade.  Sage knows how to find every cool spot, and Annie...well, she panted, found shade, and then typical lab, wanted ball throw.  She has such endurance.  But one of the role of a lab Mom is know when to keep them quiet.  Knowing when to tell them "no" to ball throw.

So we did our first "hot" weekend.  And all survived.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I think this picture is one of those that speaks a thousand words...Sage guarding the treats.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Trying to Substitute for Dad

None of the girls are around their father's.  So, in my attempt to be "Dad" as well as Mom, I went to Costco.  Three bags of pigs ears and a jar of other treats.

Happy dogs.  But I bet they thought about their fathers just as I did about mine.  He was a great guy and would have been all over Costco finding treats for the girls.

One more thing, yesterday would have been my parent's 65th wedding anniversary....pretty amazing.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Father's Day

Annie never knew her father.  We don't even know his name.  We do know that one of her parents is related, distantly, to Murphy's father, Houston, a stunning Yellow lab.

Willa's father is Maverick (a name that fits Willa, also).  He is part of the family that bred Sydney and now has several of Willa's siblings...

To all dog fathers out there...Happy Father's Day!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Raising Cain

Sage's father is Cain.  I never met him, but from the pictures, he is a gorgeous boy, light colored like Sage, big chested.  A big Delaware gorgeous lab.

From Sage to her Dad: Happy Father's Day!

Murphy's Day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Who knew?  These girls have 12 acres to romp and stomp to their heart's content.  But sometimes a strange noise, or maybe just being tired, or seeking security, drives them to the car door.  They look anxiously around, waiting for me to open it, they get in, and wait until we head back to Seattle...I have two homebodies.  And of course, if Annie is in the car, Willa wants in, also.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dogs and Kittens

Sage is not a fan of cats.  Urban cats.  The ones who dart out from bushes then run across the street.  Because I am usually attached to her on a leash, I am not a fan of urban cats, either!  And Annie, the hunting dog, has really taken it upon herself to react when she sees a cat.  Following that lead, so has Willa.

So much to my surprise when I rescued the two kittens on Sunday and drove 3 hours back to Seattle (to leave them with Seattle Animal Shelter which is no-kill), all of the girls were little angels.  In fact, Willa poked her head into the box several times, in some sense, letting the kittens know it was on barked, no one growled, no one pouted (although I bet Sage was a little anxious whether the family was expanding).

Who knew?  Maybe if the girls can sing Kum-bye-ya with kittens, there will be peace in our time!

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Long Weekend

My new "pump myself up" mantra is: "Life is an adventure and we're in it!"  Boy these past four days sure have proven that.  From my near death (I kid you not) allergic reaction to eating one clam (who knew someone who was born and raised in the PNW had become allergic to clams) to finding two ~ 4 week old kittens trying to was a long weekend.  With many many adventures in-between (and not the yahoo river rafting kind of adventures, but more the "crap, are these mouse nests in the bathroom?"kind of adventures).

Sometimes coming home and dealing with work stress seems relaxing!

Ok, about the kittens.  Two of them.  Very cute.  Clearly needed to be bottle fed.  I called many people to see if anyone wanted two adorable kittens, and with no takers, I took them to a shelter (no-kill, of course) where they are going to be well cared for....of course, if I can configure my life to have 3 dogs and two cats.....isn't that really the definition of insanity?

Murphy's Day.

Friday, June 8, 2012

She's Growing Up

Ten months.  She is ten months old.  While chronologically she is getting older, she hasn't aged.  Still totally puppy and still totally silly.  I often wonder what I was thinking when I got her...oh, wait, I wasn't thinking....but I really wouldn't have it any other way.  She is the zest in this household...

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Just Labs

At a luncheon (apparently people still do luncheons) on Saturday, I met a couple who had a 15 year old adopted dog.  Copper.  Of course, we then talked dogs.  And when asked what "kind" of dogs I had I responded: "just labs."

There is a magazine devoted to those of us who are crazy enough to be owned by labs.  And indeed, there are people who are owned by more than 3 (I can even imagine the chaos)!

I have become a "lab person."  I can not even imagine another breed...although the idea of having a smaller dog when I am older seems logical and realistic.  And I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed my two terriers, Alexis and Riley.  But these labs, they are such characters, as my mother would say.  They are clowns, protectors, prime athletes, hunters, goon-balls, amazing eating machines, couch potatoes (no, they are not allowed on my furniture but they do rule the bed), best friends, confidantes, exercise coaches, life coaches, fly fishing amigos, refrigerator cleaners, dust creators, Yoga practitioners (Sage does the best Downward Facing Dog), babysitters, and did I mention clowns?

Sage, Annie Oakley, and Willa each have a bit of Murphy in them (Annie is actually related, distantly, to her), which also gives me a sense of continuity in my life.

Yep, just labs.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Laughing Lab

I remember when I studied art history (I think I changed my undergraduate major more times than anyone...philosophy, art history, English, botany, history, political science, sociology....) I took a great Asian art history course.  We of course studied many time periods and I still recall having to recognize variations of the Laughing Buddha.

So, I think of Sage as the Laughing Lab.  She has one of the best smiles (do dogs smile?).  And on this quick trip out of congested Seattle, she seemed happy and full of energy....hmmm, what does that tell me?

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Stop and Smell the Balsam

A quick trip to eastern Washington...despite the foul weather, we had a nice time.  Fishing was impossible (although, we tried!) because of high run off, but we had some nice walks.  And Annie reminded me that these kinds of quick trips are important, if only to stop and smell the wild flowers.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Off to Find Water

We're on the dry side of the state today, although you wouldn't know it by the amount of water flowing off the Cascades....friends on the east coast are well into their stream fishing season and we're all staring at the flows wondering if/when we can get into water....

Sage tells me to be patient.


Murphy's Day.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Opening Day

Sage and I have been waiting a whole year for tomorrow.  Opening day of fishing in rivers and streams here in Washington.  We are off to find some place, any place, where the water is low and the fish can be coaxed out of hiding by a well placed dry fly...ok, may we won't be able to find that, yet, but we might was well start looking!

Murphy's Day.