Monday, December 29, 2014

Snow Falling on Labradors

We went to bed last night with snow falling and this morning, it was still falling...more than what the weather forecast predicted, enough to make labs quite happy.

Snow Falling on Labradors.

Murphy's Day!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Holiday Cheer

What a great Christmas.  A wonderful run in the morning.  Freshly baked pecan rolls and an omelet, the girls tearing through their stockings, time with friends, a long walk, board games, dinner and a movie...

Life doesn't get much better.

It's on to the New Year!

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

We Are All Children on Christmas

There is no doubt that Christmas is a very special time of year.  And that we are all children during the Holidays.  The lights, the magic, the food.

Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Black and White

On FaceBook among my dog friends, they are having a "5 days of black and white" pictures.

While technically Sage is a Yellow lab, we thought we would do a black and white (yellow) picture.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


We read yesterday that the Cascades were little less than 65% of "normal" snowpack.  And while we haven't been to eastern Washington in awhile, we will be there just after Christmas...and the girls want snow.

This picture is from Thanksgiving weekend, where we had a slight dusting of snow and the girls went crazy...nothing better than a tennis ball and snow for labs.

Hopefully they will get their Christmas wish!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

On The Couch

The girls get free roam over much of the houses, but furniture (except beds) is off limits.

That is, unless you can sneak on...

Murphy's Day.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Beloved Soccer Balls

Annie Oakley has a soccer ball that is much loved.  Way too much loved.  It used to have a cover, it used to have air in it.  And it's her favorite toy in the morning as she romps...

Sometimes, she looses the ball in the dark.

Like last Friday.  So Mom gets on her bike, rides down to the soggy field, to find the beloved toy.

Annie Oakley's soccer ball deserves all the royal treatment.  It's for a gorgeous girl.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Afternoon Riot

There are many advantages to working from home.  It's comfortable.  No need to go out for lunch.

But, my three supervisors also want attention on their terms.  And toward the end of what they think is the work day, they begin to cause a ruckus.  Or a riot.  Close to my desk.

Time to stop and play with us!

Got to love it.

Murphy's Day!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Dog Friendly Christmas "Tree"

Since we're not home much, I have been reluctant to have a Christmas Tree.  So, poor Willa has never experienced the growl from me telling her to not think of the ornaments as hanging dog toys!

This year, however, I hankered for that "evergreen" smell in the house.

Boughs brought in, galvanized container found, and voila, a bit of Christmas on the mantle.

Willa doesn't get to experience the growl (and more than likely Annie doesn't remember when we had a tree), but she does get "nature inside."

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

How to Watch a Seahawks Game

I don't have much more to say other than Willa was the most comfortable of all of us.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, December 5, 2014


Even thought it was a "short week" for us,  Friday night can not come soon enough.  A lot of work was packed into a short amount of time and next week will be even worse.

It's the weekend.  No idea what we will do, but with these three characters, there is no doubt whatever we do will be fun and filled with adventures.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

How Many Beds Does a Lab Need?

Over the Thanksgiving holiday there was some furniture moving.  For routinized labs, this is usually upsetting.  Except this time, one of the results is Sage ended up with two beds, one on top of the other.  She thoroughly enjoyed her "princess and the pea" moment!

It was a lovely weekend.  All the right elements: great weather, lots of exercise, fantastic food, and the very best friends.  The girls had a great time playing, romping, going for long runs and walks.

We're back in the city, a short work week, but still intense nonetheless.  And the girls are easing back into their city routines including hogging most of my bed.

The one change will be Christmas music.  24/7.  Love it!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Snow and Cold

Ah, finally, two days after Thanksgiving, the snow arrived.  Just a dusting, but it was so cold (it is 5° as I type this) the snow is perfect "powder."

The girls had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  The played, they ate, and then they played some more.  I am truly grateful and thankful for these three remarkable dogs.  Each has a unique personality, yet they work together in mischief as well as taking care of each other and me.

We now swing into the Christmas season!  One of my favorites.  I took the girls stockings out from storage and noses went instantly into the air.  They know something is up.

Back to Seattle today.

Murphy's Day!