Friday, November 30, 2012

Gunshots? I Am Out of Here

Whenever a neighbor in Nahahum Canyon decides to shoot his gun, my hunting dog wants to head back to Seattle.

Go figure.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Are We Leaving, Yet?

Sage enjoyed the little bit of sun we had over the Thanksgiving holiday.  But when it was packing up time, she was ready to go.

I keep wondering what the dogs feel about having this bi-place life, where they spend much of their time in Seattle, and much of their roaming and romping time in Nahahum Canyon.  They settle into the car for the drives fairly well, particularly when they know there is a stop along the Yakima.  And they seem to enjoy getting to Nahahum as much as they enjoy their beds in Seattle...Annie certainly doesn't like the gun shots in Nahahum Canyon....

They are all waiting for the snow, that much I know.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Miss Independence

While Sage and Annie were in the car waiting to come back to Seattle, Willa was out wandering around.  While she is definitely a "pack" dog, she also has quite an independent streak to her.  She wanted to absorb the last few minutes of sun and being able to roam before heading back to the city.

This is Willa's second holiday season with us.  I am contemplating putting up a Christmas tree this year, but wonder how she will deal with it....maybe not!

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bought and Sold by Google

Ok, so we bought more storage.  I caved.  I guess it's because there are so many great pictures of Murphy, Sage, Annie Oakley, and Willa that are only on this blog, that I might was well keep going...or who knows?

This was what greeted me on the anniversary of Murphy's death.  The alpine glow from a beautiful sunrise.  Not a great picture, but it was stunning.

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Why There is No Picture

So, I have a gorgeous picture that I am ready to post with this entry.  But, thanks to Google, apparently I need to purchase storage space for my new pictures, because I am at some limit that I was never aware existed.

Gotta' love Google.

Or do you?

So until I figure all this out, you get this blank page.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, it was the fourth anniversary of Murphy's Death.  I still miss her terribly.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Annie of Mt. Diablo

It was more than two years ago, we took my parent's ashes up to Mt. Diablo.  And I got a chance to go back this past week.  Annie was with me when we took their ashes up to the oak tree, and she thoroughly enjoyed being back, again, this past week.  While it rained the whole way down to California and once we left Ashland, it rained all the way back to Seattle, the weather for the three days we were there was fantastic.  So, we hiked and explored the gorgeous foothills in the East Bay area.

Annie was in lab heaven (having recovered from her salt water drinking episode).  Nothing better than being with a lab in her element.

We are off for the Thanksgiving holiday.  And while this year we have seen many friends suffer, a few leave us, and several of the "pack of labs" also go, we also have many things to be thankful for during these past twelve months.  I am grateful for all of my family and friends, particularly those of you who love and care about these amazing labradors.  The provide me with joy, laughs, frustration, curiosity, and energy...they are, essentially, what life is about.

Have a great holiday and we'll be back on Monday.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Willa's First Trip

It is amazing to think that this was Willa's first trip aside from going east of the mountains.  Sage and Annie were both raised on staying in hotels.  But this was Willa's first time.  I was, I admit, more than a little nervous about it.  Willa is very intense and when she wants something she lets me know ("it's 5:00 AM Mommie, time to get up...").

But she turned out to be the most fantastic traveling dog.  She was patient, not nervous, willing to go along, and seemed to thoroughly enjoy each day's adventure.

While she has big paws to fill, she seems to be a serious contender for "one of those dogs."

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

When in Astoria, Do as the Astorians Do!

We're back home, at least until Wednesday then off for the Thanksgiving holiday (the girls favorite holiday...what is not to like, lots of turkey?).

We had a great time, despite the rain.  And more rain.  And coming home to rain.

So, our first night was in Astoria, Oregon.  Near where Lewis and Clark camped for the winter, and almost lost their minds because of the rain (did we mention the rain?).  Despite the weather, it is a lovely town, fantastic maritime history museum, and a lovely hotel on a pier where we watched Sea Labs, er I mean Sea Lions, roll around outside our window.

Very dog friendly.  Sage was ecstatic when she walked into the room and found this bed waiting for her.  A cozy fire...all was good except for Annie being sick from drinking too much sea water at Long Beach.

When in Astoria find a fire and a good bed.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Looking for a Beach

So, we're looking for a beach where the girls can romp and play...leaving on Saturday for a week away, mixing business and pleasure and Willa's first long road trip (gulp).

Should be fun!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Willa's Happy Life

On Sunday morning, after a long long day of painting and a long night of trying to sleep, Willa was prancing through the house with a squeaky toy.  The more it squeaked, the more she squeaked it.  I began to laugh out loud.

She is one happy dog.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thinking About Elections

Well, Willa is non-plussed about the election today.  Despite the zillion mailers, trillion robo-calls (I haven't answered my home phone in weeks), and obnoxious "get out the vote" canvassers while I was trying to paint which led me to post a sign on the door: "I've already voted, please don't knock," Willa isn't interested.  Plus, she is still too young to vote.

But, despite my exhaustion, please, if you haven't already, vote.  These past few years we have, again, witnessed people all around the world putting their lives in danger for the right to have a say in how they are governed.  Our democracy, imperfect, full of not-so-good-stuff, but still, it's better than what people in other countries live under or with.

So vote.

Then crawl into bed in exhaustion.  It's been an long election.

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Patience is a Virtue?

For active labs, it was a long long weekend.  First, I decided after 17 years, it was time to paint the living room/dining room of the house.

Second, it was raining.

So the girls not only didn't get much play time, they had to suffer through the house being completely torn apart.

Knowing they were anxious, we worked really hard, and got the painting done in one day.

Of course, I forgot to tell the girls that the clocks "fell back" an hour, so exactly at what was 6 AM in their clocks, Willa and Annie decided I needed to get up.

It was a long weekend,  but the house looks fabulous (who knew I would love a Ralph Lauren paint color called Parchment?).  And Willa managed to stay out of the paint!

Murphy's Day.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Field Assistants

New client, cold and wet field work.

Someone doesn't seem to mind.

"Can you identify that leaf, Mommie?"

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Murphy.  This blog's namesake.

It's been 4 years since she died, November, 2008.  I still miss her greatly.  While my three girls constantly remind me of Murphy, she holds onto my heart.  And that is a good thing.  Each of these characters are unique and that is what life is about...learning to love over and over and over.

But as the dark, misty days creep in, I think about Murphy a lot more.  How she found such joy in simple things.  How she got so excited over simple things.  She really taught me a lot about what is valuable in life.

And she always managed to find joy.  Even in the wet, dreary, dark days of a Pacific Northwest winter or the bitter cold days in New York.  She lived every moment.

Sage, Annie Oakley, and Willa have that same passion for their lives.  I can't sleep in very often because Willa wants to get going with the day.  She'll pace all over the bed, working on getting me up. Annie will come and kiss me, and Sage always stands ready at the door.

"Let's get going."

Murphy, I know, is wagging her tail watching the whole thing.

I miss you Murph.

Murphy's Day.