Monday, January 31, 2011

Looking Forward

A letter from a friend: she and her family moved to Seattle for graduate school. They left a small town along the Klamath River in northern California, promising that they would return.

Graduate school.  Her father's caregiving.  Two children through school.  Husband's job with Washington Department of Transportation.  Comfortable bungalow house.  And finally, they woke up and realized living in a city that is increasingly dense, conflicted, inflated isn't what they want.  Husband quit job.  She quit job.  They decided to move back to the small town on the Klamath River.  In the middle-of-nowhere.

In looking forward....sounds like a path we need to think about.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Growing Older

Recently I've been noticing Sage age.  She is stiffer in the morning, hobbling a bit on her "reconstructed knee."  Not as agile.  She is beginning to prefer sniffing and ambling on morning walks, rather than running around like a mad lab (ahem, Annie?).  And I think it's important for both of us that I am attentive to these changes.  That I don't ask her to go further than she wants.  Sage is so stoic, she'll follow her tribe to the ends of the Earth, and that isn't good for her as she ages.  I want her to be able to walk without pain.

It's hard, though.  This is the part of our relationships with dogs where your heart aches for them.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Number One!

Yesterday afternoon the girls came running into my study, excited that the AKC announced labs are, once again, the most popular dog in America.  

Look at these two....

I do have say they have all the attributes.  They make me laugh, they are gentle, protective, energetic, outdoor driven, silly....

Numero Uno.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union

The State of the Lab Union is great, ladies and gentlemen.  They love to play with each other, they seem attached to each other as a pack, and they share well.

And they certainly give me a job, working to make sure they are happy.

What more can you ask for?

God Bless the Union of the Labs.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Getting Out of Comfort Zones

We have our routines.  In fact, we are very "stuck" on our routines.  The girls can set their "watches" by our routines.  So, every once in awhile, we get out of our comfort zone.  I suppose it's good for us, adds a little spice in our otherwise somewhat mundane lives.

Yesterday we had to go to eastern Washington, for the day.  A quick trip.  The girls seemed baffled by the change in the routine, but once they realized it meant a romp and playing in what was left of the snow...they were happy.

That's one thing about labs, they are extremely adaptable.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mommie Has A Cold

Poor Sage and Annie.  We laid low this weekend because I nursed a cold.  Ugh.  Annie was so bored she "gutted" the stuffed buffalo Sage got for Christmas.  She also managed to find one of my used Kleenex and scattered it all around the house...what can I say, she is still full of puppy.

Hopefully we have our wheels back on tomorrow.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Time To Get Outside

Many of you have heard me complain about how dense Seattle has become.  Way too many people.

It's the weekend and it's time to get outside and away from all the folks....

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Miracle Dogs

Recently in the New York Times there was an article about a scientist questioning the idea that dogs can help people heal.

Aside from the comfort and comedy my two girls provide me (comfort and comedy being stress relievers probably far more healthier than many drugs), I am convinced Sage and Annie are miracle healers.  I should buy them a big tent and have them do a tour of the south proclaiming they can help people walk (Elmer Gantry step aside, here come Sage and Annie).

Several days ago, during a particularly horrible weather day, when snow turned to slush in a matter of minutes, I got a HUGE blister on my right heel.  Ugly blister.  Since then, Annie has been licking my heel.  And the blister has been getting better...although I do admit I make sure to disinfect because I really don't want to think about what has been in Annie's mouth!  She lay's her paws on my wounds!

It's a miracle dog!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's Summer Somewhere

Yep.  Australia, New Zealand, Chile,'s summer somewhere.  We could be fishing, swimming, laying in the sun.

I can tell January is going to be a long, long month.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Crap Weather

What is crap weather?  47∘and rain.  All the time.  And add a little wind.  Crap weather.  It's not winter, it's not spring, it's not fall, it's not summer.  Just crap weather.

I spend half my time washing "dog towels."

Grumble, grumble, grumble.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Before Murphy There Was Riley

I have finally entered the modern era and now have a scanner that works with my iMac.  This is the first picture I scanned, which has been on my fridge for years.  This is Riley.  Riley was my second dog, a Soft-coated wheaten terrier.  She was a typical terrier: tough, independent, loved luxury, totally loyal.

Riley trained Murphy.  And I mean, had Murphy whipped into shape.  Murphy gave Riley wide berth.  She knew Riley was in charge.

As you can see from this picture, Riles was not a big fan of long hikes, matter of fact the outdoors in general.  But she would plod along because her pack was there.

Riley died in 2004.  I look at her picture everyday.  I imagine Riley and Murphy enjoying a warm bed, good food, and each other's company....waiting for me to come home.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Winter Light

There is something about winter light.  The low, light gray or blue.   Sometimes when I walk the girls in the late afternoon I can only see their silhouette against the low light.  They always know where I am as they romp through the woods.

It's true about kids.  I think they always know where parents are, no matter what.  And I think it's important for each of us to make sure we know where someone is...

"Sage?  Annie?"

Out of the low light come two crazy labs.  Life is good.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The cold weather often makes me want to pull on a big bulky sweater and hunker down.  But it makes Sage more energetic.  Of course, labs were originally bred for cold winters bringing the fishing nets in from stormy seas.  But you would think over the hundred or so years labs would be more gentrified and find reading a book by the fire is much more appealing.

Ok, I'll get up from the warm sofa and take you to the beach, Sage....

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Weather Forecasts and Birthdays

First, it's my niece's birthday today. old????????

Earlier in the week snow was in the forecast!  We happen to love snow at home.  It makes the whole crazy world slow down.  You can hear kids laughing, playing.  Community congregates around the ski hill.  And, it goes without saying, labs are in heaven.

However, the forecasts have changed.  No snow, or not much.

"Bullox" as the Brits like to say.  And Happy Birthday!

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Storm the Beach

Sage loves walking the beach.  It's illegal for dogs to be on the beach in Seattle, a $500 fine.  I kid you not.  But, we find our ways....

Sage loves to sniff, sniff, and then sniff some more.  Meanwhile, Annie swims out to fetch the ball.  We get into the rhythm of the shore, the push and pull of the waves...

We storm the beach!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekend at Home

Spent the weekend at home.  Watched football (totally amazing game for the Seahawks) and did a lot of cleaning.  It always amazes me how many "things" I can recycling bin is full and it won't be collected for another week!

But Sage and Annie got lots of exercise.  Annie's favorite toy is the "Chuck-it."  When I put it in the car she goes nuts, whimpering until we get to the big grassy field where she sprints until her tongue is hanging low...Sage, meanwhile, enjoys the "sidelines."

It's rare that I am home for a weekend.  But when I do do it, I realize how much I enjoy spending time at home when I am not working or thinking I need to be working.  And I think the girls enjoy it, getting slightly off routine.

Plus, I can now see the floor of my back closet.  What's not to like?

Murphy's Day.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Presents

Murphy always knew where her presents were.  It seems Sage inherited that same delightful skill.  On Christmas morning, she went straight for her hand made (thank you Carol) sock and begin sniffing.

My best present was watching the two of them enjoy theirs.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Amazing Places

Over Christmas week we discovered a fantastic place for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.  Echo Ridge, nestled to the north above Lake Chelan.  Here the US Forest Service still practices multiple use management.  Now days, the cross country skiers want "pristine," or "groomed trails," the snowshoers want to hike and bring their dogs, and snowmobilers just want someplace to go where the cross country skier's aren't attacking them!

So in Echo Ridge, the Forest Service created trails for everyone.  Each one a delight.  And no one seems to complain that they don't have enough space.

It was a slice of heaven.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Stick, Some Snow, Two Labs

It's a recipe for fun: Snow, stick, two labs.  Sage loves to roll in the snow, as does Annie.  But Annie also loves to play keep-away with any stick she can find.

It reminds me a lot of growing up.  How we would love the snow, hurling ourselves down Ruffner in an old Flyer, coming home with the rosey cheeks and cold hands.  Didn't need a lot of stuff to enjoy the snow.  Our ski equipment?  I shudder to think of the stuff we used to get downhill  back then!  No helmets, no fixed heel bindings, lace up boots so soft they could be considered running shoes these days!

Sage and Annie reminded me of some wonderful times.  It's part of their job.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Train Annie!

Last year, one of our resolutions, was Train Annie!  It was a long, hard year.  Annie spent many days the first few months commuting in the back of the Honda Pilot between Ballard and Madison Park, caregiving for Dad.  Not a lot of training went on during those months!

So this year...I gave a lot of thought about training Annie.  She has selective hearing on the "come" command (or request as it is turning out to be with her).

But Annie has trained me to see how she is growing and learning.  I don't want her to change her shenanigans (ok, it would be nice if she came).  She is funny, silly, stubborn, and did I mention silly?  In essence, she is a lab.  Murphy reincarnated.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Welcome to the New Year!  Sage has been busy thinking about her New Year's resolutions (yes, we actually do them) and is looking forward to the new year.

But this past week has been a time of reflecting about the past year or two.  We went to eastern Washington, where there was lots of snow and it was cold.  5∘cold.  So, in order to stay warm, we got active: downhill skied, snowshoed, hiked, ate good food, played in the snow.  It's much quieter in eastern Washington on New Year's Eve, so Sage didn't have to worry about firecrackers, fireworks, neighbors banging pots and pans, or other revelers in the city.

We begin a new year.  It's so interesting that ten days after the Winter's Solstice, we think of "new beginnings."  The forester in me thinks of spring as "new," and winter as "dormant."  But here we are.  We are resolved to spend time with family and friends.  If these past few years have taught us anything it is that life is precious, short, and we all need each other.  Sage has resolved to look out for her pack with even more sense of urgency than she does normally.  She turned 7 this past week.  All I could do is remember her as a puppy, happily in a soft travel crate underneath the seat in front of me on the United flight back to Seattle.  The flight crew fell head over heels in love with her.  Me too.

2011.  May we all have a wonderful, healthy, happy year.

Murphy's Day.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Laying in Wait

Annie is so attached to Sage.  She simply loves to play with her.  I have warned Annie, that her time will come.  Sooner or later there will be a pup in her life, ragging on her. grabbing her neck, wrestling.  But for the time being, it's Sage v. Annie.  And Annie's favorite tactic is to lay in wait for Sage.

I've tried to disrupt this "surprise attack," but I think Sage actually likes it.  She doesn't want my protection.

And so they romp.  Happy.  And I am happy until I see Sage gimp.  Too much play in too cold of environment, and I think her knee stiffens.  I worry.  But that is what a mother does.  Worry.

Murphy's Day.