Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Club Closing

Every summer, the place where I swim (aka the club) closes for a week to do serious housekeeping.

I talked with the girls, and I think we'll take a "club closing" for a little while.  Get outside some more, enjoy the sun, reflect on life, smell the roses.

We'll be back on August 11th, all clean, clear, and ready to go!

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

On Being Outside

Summer is back in the PNW and Annie loves being outside.  One of her favorite things to do is to roll around until her collar slips off.  Then she finds me, naked so to speak, tail wagging, proud as punch that she managed to slip out of her collar!

Annie is and will always be, a puppy.  A puppy in the summer sun!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Now We Are Three

Yesterday was Willa's third birthday!  She ran, she swam, and she played with her litter-sister, Murphy.

And oh, yeah, there were some toys.

Each of us say this, about it goes so fast.  It is hard to believe it has been three years since she was born, and in two months, she will have taken over this herd...

Lots of changes since she came and more to come as we begin to think about where we want to live for the next phase of life, what we want to be doing, and how to make sure the girls continue enjoying life as they seem to now.

Willa is a great dog.  Devoted, silly, happy, somewhat well mannered (except if you have food).  She has a zest for life that is unbounded.  Everyday she makes me laugh, giggle, and smile.  Like Murphy, Sage, and Annie Oakley, her compassion and love seems unending.  She is a great teacher for me.

Happy Birthday Willa!

Murphy's Day.

Friday, July 25, 2014


Annie is a very sensitive dog.  She senses, instantly, when there is something wrong.  I simply love her for that.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


One of our favorite summer hikes.  Lake Valhalla.  Highway 2 has been closed due to fires, but hopefully before the summer is gone, we can get up there...again...

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lost Towns

On Thursday night, a wildfire swept through the town of Pateros, a small down at the confluence of the Methow and Columbia Rivers.

It's a scary time out there.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Eastern Washington Fires

Normally I post pictures and say wonderful things about labradors.  But a place we love, a place we cherish, is on fire.

Here is a link that will show what is happening:


Murphy's Day.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Adventure Dogs, Part 2

I think this is what they  mean.  High alpine lake, long hike, cool swim.


The dogs had to train me.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Adventure Dogs

There is this "new thing" in dog training.  You know, you train a dog to hunt, to be a service dog, and now there are trainers who are training dogs to be adventure dogs.


You need to train a dog for that?

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Ready for Action

One thing about labs is that they are ready for action.  No matter how smokey, or hot, or dry, or...

I think they invented the phrase: "bring it!"

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Back when I lived in New York, my commute to work involved squeezing into the subway.

This week I am commuting back and forth from Seattle to Nahahum Canyon.  Fire watch and work.  The girls tell me that they feel they are being squeezed into a subway car for a long ride...

Fortunately for them, when the doors open it's on an open field with lots of room to roam.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Fire Season

A neighbor in North Central Washington says there are five seasons: winter, spring, summer, fire, fall.  We're in fire right now.

Huge, over 20,000 acre fire to the north and behind us.

Over 1,000 young men and women fighting it.

God bless them.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014


There is something about the light in eastern Washington.  Early morning, as it begins to climb over the mountain behind the house.


We love it.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Finding Shade

Sage is an expert at finding shade.  This is one of her favorite sports (she is laying in front of it).  She burrows into the bush, enjoying the cool.

It's going to be hot the next few days, on either side of the Cascades.  She has her work cut out for her.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Lab Piles

Sometimes, on a hot summer day, there is nothing better than a pile of fur on top of me.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dangerous Time of Year

It's July.  We'll be heading off, soon, to keep the girls away from fireworks, firecrackers, and all things that go "boom."

It's a dangerous time of year for dogs.  Between the heat and the loud noise, they get very anxious.  We're fortunate enough to have a place to go that is relatively quiet (as long as one of the neighbors doesn't decide he needs target practice or the lightening doesn't roll in).

We'll be back next week.  In the meantime, have a wonderful 4th of July.  I shall never forget sitting on the steps of the US Capital in 1976, watching the fireworks for our bicentennial.  We're almost 240 years old...and still ticking!

Murphy's Day!