Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Draft Picks

I've had a variety of experiences when it comes to getting a puppy.  Everything from finding my very first dog, Alexis the Airedale in a pet store, peeking out at me from the back room, to being handed Sage having my friend and breeder Mary make the decision for me about which pup I was going to bring home.

This time I have a draft pick.  I am second in picking a female.

Yesterday over email came 10 pictures of 10 ups.  5 males, 5 females.  They are three weeks old, growing by the day.

I actually have a lot of work today but my guess is I will spend a bit of time looking at 5 female puppy pictures.

Hopefully Annie Oakley and Willa can help.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Deliberative Life

I've been thinking about Wirehaired Pointing Griffons for a long time.  And after Sage's death, I wasn't sure it would ever be the right time.

But then I heard about a couple in Montana who were going to have a litter.  And as I found out about their lives, I realized these puppies would be well loved.  It was a deliberative litter in a deliberative outdoor life.  A life we try to live.

Annie Oakley and Willa look at me, wondering about the pictures I look it.  They are great dogs, dogs with huge hearts and have so much to give.  They gave their all to their sister, Sage.

And I am sure they will embrace (after a few growls) Molly Brown.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Family Planning

It's always a tough decision.  I'm not an impulsive person.  I've never bought anything at an auction nor through eBay because I take way too long to make a decision.

When I realized Sage was dying I began wondering if I and the two other girls would ever be ready for another dog.  It was time, I thought, to just let it go.  Let Annie Oakley age, Willa grow old, and move on with my life.  I remembered after Murphy died going for long walks with Sage thinking this was it.  But then Annie Oakley came into our life, and frankly, without the two of them, I would have been a total wreck care giving for my parents.

For years I have been intrigued with a different breed, Wirehaired Pointing Griffons, or WPG as folks call them.  I "followed" various WPG groups on Facebook, enjoying the stories of the dogs, their antics, how much the owners love the breed.  Like labs, they are dogs that love being outside, love being with their pack, and love mischief.  What's not to like?

As it happens, several months after Sage died and the house continued to feel lonely, a woman in Montana posted that she was planning a litter.  Out of, oh, I don't know what, curiosity, I contacted her.  We exchanged emails and I was impressed that she and her husband were two people head over heels in love with their two WPG and wanted to breed them.  Not professional breeders.  People who appreciated and loved their dogs.  I had time to think about it.

On May 4th, they had a litter of 10 pups.  And yesterday I mailed them a deposit for a female.

In early July we will be welcoming Unsinkable Molly Brown into the family.

We're all a little nervous.  But at least we'll get a road trip to Montana out of the deal and, uh-oh, a bundle of puppy!

Murphy's Day!