Tuesday, November 25, 2014

We Are Thankful

It is popular on FaceBook postings to list what you are thankful for.  We enjoy reading them, the expressions from friends on their lives, their children, their families.

As we wind our way to Thanksgiving, we thought we would share our thankfulness...for these goofballs in our life.  They make us laugh, giggle, laugh again, and smile every day.  No matter how blue or down or how bad the day has been, they are there, tails wagging.

We are thankful.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and we'll see you in December.

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sage's Sister

This is Ally.  Sage's sister.  And Ally's new brother, Mac.  Ally has, what my friend Chris said is the same look at Sage.  "What can you do for me now?"  He nailed it.

They will be 11 in December.  And they are great dogs.

What can you do for me now?

Well, how about loving you?

Murphy's Day.

Friday, November 21, 2014


Well, as we get closer to Thanksgiving, the girls saw there was snow in the forecast..in the mountains, more than likely not at Nahahum, but still....

Time to load the sandbags in the back of the truck, make sure the chains are close by, and leave a pair of gloves in the, wait, yes, glove box!

As much as I love summer, I think the girls love winter.  Nothing better for a lab than some form of water!

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Hey! Where's the Butler?

Sometimes...no, actually, all the time, the girls think they live in Downton Abbey and that I am the butler, the cook, the housekeeper.

Now that I think about it, they are right!

Ok, well, maybe they don't live in a swanky castle in England, but I certainly fulfill all those jobs for them!

Murphy's Day!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Crystal Mountain Dogs

I grew up skiing at Crystal Mountain here in Washington.  And whenever I stay on the wet side, er I mean west side, during the winter, I try to make it up to the mountain to ski.

A number of years ago two members of the ski patrol rode with me on the chair lift.

One of them them is pictured on this photo.

I keep thinking Willa would be great at this.  Lots of energy, intensity, and she would love the work.  Sage has already tried riding the gondola at Crystal and wasn't so sure.  Annie would be a great searcher, but might not enjoy the avalanche guns...

That said, it's great that the dogs do this work.  I'm thankful knowing they are there to help.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, November 10, 2014

A Great Day

Saturday we had a great day.  All of us spent most of it outside.



More sticks.

What is not to like for a lab (and their forester Mom)?

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Singing in the Rain

We're well into November here in the PNW.  While the temperatures remain mild, we have received a fair amount of rain.

Rain, of course, never deters the girls.  No matter what, they want to get outside.

So, rain jackets (mine) and their fur are always at the ready to head out the door.

We sing in the rain!

Murphy's Day.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Fall Trail Running

On Saturday morning we ran ~ 4.5 along a gorgeous trail just east of the Cascade Crest.  The fall colors were magnificent...and the girls thoroughly enjoyed the chance to romp along a swollen creek.

Does not get much better for a lab (and their mom).

Murphy's Day.