Friday, May 29, 2009

Long Month

It's been a long month.  To the girl's credit they have been patient.  Going for rides to Dad's, waiting while I check on my mother.  Annie learned the fine art of hanging her head out of the window and Sage has taken up residence in the back of the Honda.  She still is waiting for the DVD player to be installed!

Hopefully sometime in June it all quiets down.  In the meantime, more biscuits for the girls!

Murphy's day.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dos Amigas, II

I had a small moment yesterday.  Maybe two seconds outside while I gobbled down lunch.  Sage ambled down the steps, then came the Amazing Flying Annie.  Running, romping, and the World Lab Wrestling League ensued.  

They are good friends, although I do notice Sage treats Annie like a "punk" little sister.  When she crosses over some line that Sage thinks is a boundary, Annie is told.  Sage's lip curls, then she chases Annie until contact is made.  Sooner or later Annie will really get it and indeed, she will understand who is the older sister and in charge.

Then again, I also suspect Annie will be one of those younger sisters who will always try to push the older sibling's buttons.  I wouldn't know anyone like that!

Pay back, Sage!

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Curious Annie

Yep, not only will I have to rescue her from raging rivers, but I suspect other incidents as well.  She has an amazing curiosity.  What's down here?  Hey, what's that bird doing?  Why does that bee land on my nose?  You get the drift.  

Last night I took a tennis ball with me on our walk.  Something I always did with Murphy.  Annie had the same wild-eye reaction, trying to get the ball out of my hand, clinging to it in her mouth once she had it.  Dashing along the trail tennis ball in mouth.  Nothing better.

She is full of life, energy, and curiosity.  Keeps me young!

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A River Runs Through Her

Sage is teaching Annie one of the most important things: rivers run through labs.  

We're close to peak run-off in Washington, and Annie is inclined to leap into the raging river after sticks.  Sage is holding back, realizing if she leaps in she will end up in either Puget Sound or the Pacific.  Annie, the mini-me, watches Sage and screeches to a halt before leaping into the current.

The good news in all of this is both love water, rivers, and all things riparian.  Great news for a fly fisherwoman.

I have a funny feeling, though, that I will be rescuing Annie someday.  And that is natural for labs.  I did it for Murph, for Sage, and soon, very soon, for Annie.

Murphy's day.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Gung Ho!

After our walk last night I realized Annie is a full-fledged lab.  There is no quit.  There are good and bad things about this trait.  The good news is she will go and go and go until she just can't anymore which fortunately will be many years from now.  The bad news is that I will be spending many years retrieving her from all the things she couldn't stop herself from doing: hurling herself off cliffs, trying to get a pit bull to play, exploring get the drift.


Murphy's day.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mini Me

Annie is still a mini-me, imitating Sage.  But in the swimming issue, where Annie was a late bloomer, she has taken over.  Leaping into the water, grabbing sticks, in fact, retrieving every stick in the water, she comes back for more.  Sage now laconically stands at the edge of the water, letting Annie do all the work.

But sometimes, they do it together.

Labs just don't know when to stop being way too cute.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Is This Moses Lake?

I used to frequently stop at Moses Lake on my way to Montana.  It's now a joke with me, that the dogs ask if they are on the way to Moses Lake (it's half way across the state).  

Recently, the poor girls have been spending more time in the car, shuttling back and forth to care for my father while my mother recovers from hip surgery.  It's been a long long long month.  But they are very patient and willing to cut me some slack on the lack of play time.  Or at least so far!

Hopefully someday we'll be able to get to Moses Lake (there is some great fishing near-by) and maybe even back to Montana.  In the meantime, their scenery appears to be mostly urban.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It was warm here over the weekend.  A ritual is to fill the kiddie pool.  Last year I got Murphy in it, splashed some water on her...this time it was Sage who longed for the water.

Annie was a little suspicious of the new ritual.  She'll learn.  She's a lab.

Murphy's day.

Monday, May 18, 2009


While either girl could have brought the stick to shore, it took team work...or that competitive lab spirit...

I remember on time at Hood RIver, Oregon.  Murph was getting older, but there were some Golden Retrievers diving into the Columbia after tennis balls.  Murph could not stand it, and she figured out how to angle toward the ball, creating a shorter distance, beating out the much younger Goldens.

Or the time at Sun Valley, when she was maybe 9  or 10.  A ton of boy dogs were chasing balls into the Wood River.  Murphy dove in, got the ball first, then taunted them on shore.

But these two, Sage and Annie, seem to figure out the teamwork strategy.  Annie is quite the athlete, already showing amazing signs of Murphy, but Sage, Sage is up the job, ready to show the pup all the ropes.  It take teamwork!

Murphy's day.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Has It Stopped Raining, Yet?

The girls are demonstrating their reservoir of patience.  It's been raining almost all week, it poured on our walk Wednesday afternoon.  I think they hang out on the landing because it gives them a view out the front door window, Sage can bark at the people madly darting to the bus stop and Annie can figure out how to harass Sage.  It all works!

By Thursday afternoon we began to see tiny little patches of blue sky.  It's been a long two weeks for them, mostly shuttling around in the car taking care of their grandparents.  They have been fantastic.  Lab's know when healing must be done.  But I suspect if the sun manages to come out, they will be tearing up the back yard...

Murphy's day.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I have spent the past two weeks caregiving for my father while my mother is in the hospital and nursing facility.  

Last night I was thinking about the caregiving I did for Murph.  During her last year I sometimes fed her by hand, helped her in and out of the car, bathed and cleaned her as she became incontinent.  It was a labor of love for my girl.

But we all should be cared for as we become elder tribe members.  Murphy, like my parents, gave and gave and gave some more.  Even when she was weak or feeble, she gave me so much love, unconditional love.  The same is true for my parents.  

It's tough watching ourselves age.  We never think it will happen then all of a sudden, it's a stiff joint, aching muscles, gray hair...but we all need caregiving.  The girls are great at giving it every day.  Hopefully we all do the same for those we love.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Web Feet

Labs and Golden Retrievers have web feet.  Duck feet.  And, labs have otter tails.  Between the two I suspect labs are related to a variety of animals, but I prefer to think of them as Sea Lions!

Now that Annie feels confident swimming there is no stopping her.  I throw stick, she goes in water, retrieves, and comes to shore making sure, of course, to shake on me.

Sage has never been big on retrieving, but she loves to swim.  She'll get out in the water and just paddle around.  But Annie, well, she'll be a lot like Murph.  No sense in getting into the water unless I am tennis elbow and rotator cuff are already aching in anticipation of hours of throwing ball into the water.

Murphy's day

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


She is a rascal.  No matter how many times I have "advised" Annie that sticks are not allowed indoors, a day has not gone by that I haven't heard her dragging one in.  Then, of course, there is the long lab look.  The one that says: "but Mom, it's just a stick and I sooooo love this stick..."

She is a rascal.

Murphy's day.

Monday, May 11, 2009

On Becoming a Lab

Murphy came pre-loaded.  Like a computer where you remove it from the box, connect the power cord, hit the on button and voila, a computer, Murph was all lab all the time from the moment she laid in my arms on the drive home from Washington, DC.  

Sage.  Well, I had to teach Sage how to be a lab.  While she still has her quirks, she takes to water and does retrieve.  Of course, she retrieves and keeps.  She is a catch and keep girl.

I was a little worried I would have to teach Annie how to swim.  I taught Sage.  Rattlesnake Lake, a warm April afternoon.  I waded out, dropped her, then watched her swim to shore.  Repeat same.  Now, if there is water, she is in it.

Annie isn't afraid of water.  But she hasn't swam.  Until yesterday.  It was my Mother's Day present from her.  In the morning, during our run we hit a lake.  Sage went in, then the next thing I knew, there was Annie, flopping all over, but swimming nonetheless.  Later in the day, a visit with friends on the Sound, Annie was addicted.  Going in, swimming time after time.  Her stroke is elegant, lean, very little wake.  Think Michael Phelps without the drug and alcohol issues (ouch, sorry!).  She is gorgeous in the water.

Guess I have a lab.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Caring for Elders

This week reminds me of Murphy.  How I cared for her during the last year or so.  It's a lot of work, but she gave me so much during her life.  Same thing for my parents.

Murphy's day.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Adventure Dogs

For some reason I got on an email list from a lab breeder who trains the dogs for the Ducks Unlimited hunting show and promotional tours.  I think the last dog was named Drake.  Anyway, now the breeder is breeding labs for adventures, in other words, dogs that will accompany their owners on hikes, canoe trips, and, er, fly fishing?  I had to laugh.  I thought that is what labs do naturally, hike, leap in and out of canoes, and disturb every fish within one mile up and down stream!

So, now I know.  I have two dogs specializing in 'adventure!'  

Right now, they are becoming a little cabin feverish, thinking this rain has got to stop and wondering if Mom is ever going to be able to spend more time with them.  But they are being very patient waiting in the car as I go from hospital to Dad's to hospital and back.  Maybe it's a specialty also: Waiting Labs!

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Will Mommie Have Time to Play?

Well, it's clear the pups know I am stressed.  They alternate between clinging to me or avoiding me (and Annie is on a slight destructive binge).

Lab radar operating at full speed.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Looking for Grandma

Well, the update is Mom is resting comfortably.  I am all over the city, taking care of Dad, dealing with rehab issues for Mom...and the girls are hanging in there.  Annie spent the afternoon in the backyard eating a trellis!  

Murphy's day.

Monday, May 4, 2009

They Have Healing Power

As some of you may know, my mother is in the hospital.  In between caregiving for my father, I stopped in to check on her after a surgery yesterday.  She was still rather woozy, but when I told her "Dad missed her," she asked if the dogs did too.

Indeed, they have healing powers.

Years ago, when my father was in rehab for his heart attack, a therapist suggested I bring Murphy and her sister, Riley, to visit.  It was sweet, slightly chaotic (Riley jumped right onto the bed), but I swear Dad seemed better the next time.

Not sure I want Annie in the hospital.  She's of an age that she would find wheel chairs amusing, and more than likely leap on everyone.  But I am sure she would also provide some relief!

Murphy's day.

Friday, May 1, 2009

They Are a Paw Full

These two are a paw full, that is for sure.  Between romping throughout the house, hearing Annie go full speed over the deck while I am working,  having her come, leaping onto my desk, or engaging in a vigorous game of tug 'o war, they exude energy.

I wouldn't have it any other way, but phew, I'd forgotten what puppies are like.  Every morning Annie leaps out of her crate singing, I am convinced, It's a beautiful day...full volume U2!

Sage is much more mellow, but responds to Annie's energy.  Now they have great jousting tournaments, where they eye each other from a few paces, then Sage will make a move while Annie charges full speed.  Game on.

They are a paw full.  And I really wouldn't have it any other way.

Murphy's day.