Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Biscuit Time

When Murphy was young, biscuits were the trick.  She loved her treats, although pigs ears seemed to really grasp her attention.  Sage went ga-ga over little cheese and liver heart biscuits.  I tried those early on with Annie and she turned up her nose, but recently I can't seem to keep enough of them in the house.  They go everywhere with me!

Of course, Sage, always attuned to any advantage the "kid" might be getting, can hear the lid of the container I keep biscuits in being opened from a range of, oh, 5 miles!  So, whether I've called her or not, I can get Sage to come by just opening the can.  Annie is of that lab age where if there is a distraction that seems Much More Interesting than biscuit, well, we know what wins.

But biscuit time is good time here.

Murphy's day.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Quiet Weekend

Sometimes there is nothing better than a quiet weekend at home.  Lots of errands, checking on parents, chores, long hikes at Tiger Mountain, an oh, yeah, watching lots and lots of NCAA Division I basketball.  

Annie still doesn't have a clue why I am yelling at the television.  She keeps going up to the screen to smell it.  Are you mad at another lab, Mommie?

Nope, Annie, it's Louisville!

Murphy's day.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Great Walks

I recently read a diatribe about dogs.  You know, the usual thing.  Dogs stir up ground nesting birds, they leave poop, they startle people on the trails. 

Which got me to thinking about all the great walks I have taken with my various dogs.  I have been lucky to have had dogs (other than when I was growing up) since 1979.  That's thirty years of my life with dogs.  A lot of walks.

The thing is, dogs make you get up in the morning, poke your head out the door, and get outside.  In our increasingly virtual world, dogs make sure we know reality.  They get me to exercise, to walk or run in the rain, snow, sleet, hail, thunder and lightening.

I have witnessed all sorts of nature:  I have  seen Egrets on Long Island Sound, Herons on Puget Sound, Red-tail, sharp-shinned, Coopers hawks, Merlins, Kestrels, Bald and Golden eagles while walking my dogs.  I have seen fly catchers, phoebes, wrens, sparrows, thrushes, chick-a-dees, warblers, and bluebirds.  I have been entertained by Harbor seals and Sea lions, otters, and even whales.  Moose, elk, deer, even a bear, once, just ahead on a trail near Mt. Baker.  All while being outside with my dog.

I have walked paths, trails, sidewalks, old railroad grades.  I have bushwhacked, swam, slide, climbed, skied, with my dogs.  We have walked or ran trails in Park City, New York City, Vermont, Arizona, the beaches of California, the mountains of northern Montana.  We have met life long friends because of the dogs.

My dogs have kept me grounded when I needed it and helped me soar when I wanted to.  

My life, truly, is much much better because of all the great walks I have taken with my dogs.

Murphy's day.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mini Me

What can I say?  They are becoming two peas in a pod.  Annie constantly looks to Sage for direction on "how to be a lab."

It's both scary and sweet!

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Making Life Long Friends

One of the concerns I had in getting Annie was for Sage.  She'd, no, both of us I guess, had had hard years.  Family stress.  Sage's knee surgery.  Murphy's death.  By the time the year-end holidays came, we were both pretty happy 2008 was about to be history.  So when our friend Mary called and talked puppies, I thought about how Murphy was with my Wheaten terrier, Riley, matter of fact how Riley was with my beloved Airedale, Alex, and of course, how Sage was with Murphy.  

Every puppy is a little rough with the established dog.  Having been removed from the litter, their pack, they are trying to figure out where they belong.  And of course, retrievers do it on speed.  Running, nipping, growling, leaping.  Everything in hyper-warp time.  Murphy would go from zero to sixty running full speed into Riley, who was half her size.  Sage would spend hours in the back  yard wrestling with 10 year old Murphy who wasn't too inclined to whack Sage around.  For the first few months, poor Murphy's ears were raw from Sage's gnawing, the insides of Murph's legs were pink where Sage considered Murphy her personal chew toy.  

Alex, who was quite old when I got Riley, would chase the little pup around the house.  Riley understood who was top dog.  It took almost 8 months before Riley finally let Murphy know, nipping the big dog in the nose.  Murph was Ms. Submissive after that.  Murphy was totally attached to Riley.  And Sage was Murphy's side kick.  Life long friends even though Murph never reminded her who was top dog, somehow Sage knew. 

So my worries about Sage not needing the gnawing, wrestling, growling, yipping, freakishly high energy have been assuaged.  While Sage does need more quiet time than Annie, she enjoys the activity.  They run at full speed, teeth bared, up the path, down the path, rolling in the mud.  They tug at toys, chew on chews, sleep on each other.  
Sage, who has tough skin, wiry fur, has no signs of Annie teeth marks.  And now that Annie has almost all her adult teeth, so those issues are past.  They enjoy showing  each other their dentistry as they head, 60 miles per hour, down a hill.  But there has been no damage.

It wasn't until recently that I realized this play may not even stop when Annie learns Sage is top dog.  Walking last week with Pele and his Golden friend, Glacier, I watched the two of them have-at-it like wrestlers from the Retriever Wrestling League.  Glacier would grab onto Pele's neck, they would roll, then leap, teeth bared, then roll again.  Annie stood, watching in amazement.  I remembered Sage and Pele used to play like that.  But Sage, post surgery, seems to know her limits, and she too, just watched.  Liz commented that Pele and Glacier played like this for the past 4 years.

I am grateful Annie is in our lives.  My concerns for Sage are gone.  I think the two of them are working on becoming life long friends.  Loyal, faithful, caring.  In fact, several weeks ago, while snowshoeing, we encountered an unfriendly dog who should have been leashed (it's owners admitted that their dog was not good with other dogs).  The dog went after Annie, and Sage stood in front, taking a huge bite on her neck, as the owner leapt after his dog.  It was scary.  But Sage, ever brave, loyal, and protective, took care of her sister.  We're a pack and Annie is still trying to figure out her place, but she knows we'll take care of her 'cuz we're all life long friends.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ready for Anything

The Dos Amigas are ready for anything.  They are best buddies, alternating between seeing who can hog the tennis ball longer and trying to figure out what is in each other's food bowls.  When I was deciding about Annie I was, frankly, worried about introducing a new girl into the mix, so soon after Murphy's death and Sage's knee surgery.  I guess I thought Sage needed time.

But Sage has taken to Annie.  Worried when she can't find her, nuzzling to get some sort of game going, growling at her to remind Annie just who is top dog (not me!).  I am pleased it all seems to be working out so well.  They are both ready for anything.

Now, if I can just figure out how to teach both girls to not find dead birds, field mice, and other assorted organic matter, I will be happy....

Murphy's day.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Life is Good

Coming home after a nice weekend away.  Long hikes, signs of spring, good food.  Life is good.

Murphy's day.

Friday, March 20, 2009

It's Friday!

Which means tomorrow, we sleep in, stop watching basketball, and get outside!

Sage surprises me.  And that comment, for those who know Sage, should be surprising.  She is an independent girl, after all.  But unlike Murphy, Sage actually is protective, of me, the house, the car.  And now, of her sister.  It's amazing.

Last night someone knocked at the back door.  I didn't hear them, but Sage started going nuts.  I opened the door (it was the gardner) and Sage flew out the door, tail wagging, but certainly letting Rudy know who was in charge.  But then she circled back, as he was meeting Annie, and let him know that she was off limits.  

We're all still getting organized in the pecking order, here.  But there is no doubt Sage will remain on top.

Murphy's day.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Madness

Today is a ritual.  The first day of the NCAA Men's College Basketball Tournament.  March Madness.  

So I had a long talk with Annie last night.  I told her I watch basketball.  That I fret over my brackets.  I talk, no, yell at the TV.  

She looked at me and wanted to know if she got a biscuit.

March Madness to her, I suspect, is having another chewie or grabbing the dish towels and throwing them around the dining room.  

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Having Fun!

Just when we thought we'd settle down to do our NCAA basketball brackets for the fly fishing pool (if you win, you get some great flies!) a friend emailed.  She has been "sustainable" long before it was chic.  When her last car died, she took to buses and bike.  But it means we don't walk our dogs together like we used to.  Well, daughter was home from college with car...so we met for a wonderful walk.

Along with Pele (a gorgeous Black lab) came Glacier (an energetic Golden retriever).  Sage and Pele are close friends, both singing to each other at the end of the walk.  My friend and I spent countless hours walking the dogs at dusk, searching for owls, with our dogs also exploring.  It felt good to let them roam, introduce the pup to Pele, and just walk.

Sage came home delighted she'd seen her friend.  I heard Pele seemed happier than he's been in a long time.  Annie made new friends (the energetic Golden coaxed her to swim for just a minute).

Having fun is what it's all about.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Outdoor Girls

The weather has been amazing.  Monday, in the wee hours of the morning, I woke to a fierce wind.  Sunday there was snow, everywhere!  My outdoor girls seemed to enjoy every moment.  Monday morning they were out in the back yard, ears flapping with the wind.  And of course, Sunday, enjoying a nice hike in the snow.

Labs really are great teachers, able to roll with anything.  Flexible in attitude and demeanor, they just amble about their day as if nothing can stop them or bother them.   Perhaps they get this great sense from enjoying the outdoors.  Nature is, of course, the same way.

Murphy's day.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sweet , Gentle Girls

It was a harrowing drive home through snow, sleet, avalanche control.  And the girls were perfect, calm, snuggled with each other.  Sweet, gentle girls.

Nice weekend in eastern Washington despite the weather.  The girls got out, romped, played in the snow, went for nice hikes, and watched the moon fade into clouds on Saturday night.

Sweet girls.

Murphy's day.

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's Cold

It's been cold this week.  Watching Sage and Annie out on the back yard yesterday reminded me of Murphy.  Her early years were in New York, where the cold lingered sometimes until late April.  But she loved it.  The freeze-dried smells, the clear, sunny, bright days.  She could spend seemingly minutes on a smell then slowly move to the next and the next.  

I miss her.  When I came in from the yard I noticed her green collar I put on for St. Patrick's day.  Murphy girl.  I lost myself in memories for a little while.

Until Annie came inside, dragging a stick as large as she is, happy as can be.

Murphy is still here.

Murphy's day.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Miracle

It's been 7 months since Sage's surgery.  I was just looking at pictures of her, when she came home, remembering those tense few days.  And now, I watch her and realize how well she is doing.  It's a miracle.  

I am still conservative, not wanting to be part of the 60% who have to have the second knee done.  

But she certainly is walking better, seems more comfortable.  And has some great mad dogs.  

I love miracles.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Yesterday I realized Annie needs to hit the books.  I need to be a little more intense in my work with her.  Of course, she is a lab, after all, and "come" or "Annie, come," has no special meaning to her.  But, we try.

Sage, believe it or not, was easy to train.  But for those who know her, I cheated and used a lot of small biscuits.  I am thinking of trying the same technique with Annie.  Food driven.

On our walk yesterday afternoon she figured out all sorts of ways to get around me as I was saying: Annie, come.  It was as if I was speaking French to her.

Hey, maybe that will work!  But I can tell who is learning (me) and who isn't (her).  So what else is new?

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Growing Up

Yesterday on our late afternoon walk we met a pair of 8 year old and a 7 month old black labs.  The "mom" had the same experience, her old much loved black lab died, she debated whether to get another lab, and as we watched our two pups leap and dash through the understory, we both agreed we made the right decisions.

So, I got to see what Annie will look like, maybe size wise, in three months.  Yikes!  

She is growing, though.  And seems to enjoy every single moment.  I can learn something from that, eh?

Murphy's day.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy Girl

Sage has been spending more time with Annie.  And she seems happier, if you can ascribe that emotion to a pup.  

This weekend, due to insane weather in the mountain passes, we stayed home.  But, of course, we had to get out.  Hikes and snowshoeing...both times, Sage and Annie went like crazy.  Sage's leg held up, she rolled, romped, and ricocheted around the trails like she was a year old, not five!

It's good to have happy girl back.

Murphy's day.

Friday, March 6, 2009

It Always Amazes Me

Several days ago a fellow blogger posted a news tidbit about the City of Seattle cracking down on off-leash dogs.  From the comment section of this blog, you'd think dogs in this city have over taken not only the parks but bars, sidewalks, marinas, grocery stores.  I am constantly amazed at how many people don't like dogs.

Or misunderstand them.

For me, dogs remind me of my own humanity.  Every day I acknowledge that I need to be more understanding, compassionate, non-judgmental.  These two also remind me to laugh and lighten-up.

It's hard to read the comments from people who clearly are not dog people and who harsh on people who let their dogs off leash.  Lots of comments about breaking the law.  So you'd also think we live in a city of people who somehow think they are so perfect they don't run red lights, never get into cars and drive after a few beers, always stop when there is a pedestrian at the crosswalk, and definitely pay taxes on things they sell on eBay or Craigslist!  I didn't know this city was filled with such perfect people!  Oh, my that felt good!

Off leash?  Nah, never!  That's our story and we're sticking with it!

Murphy's day.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I realized yesterday that my benchmark for all dogs is Murphy.  And I keep watching Annie wondering how she will measure up.  I realize Sage is unique, not the athlete (and fortunately not the barker) that Murphy was.  But Annie is beginning to show some signs of Murph.

On the other hand, I also realize that I still miss my girl.  She was a phenomenal friend and companion.  There are dozens of moments every day when I wonder what Murphy would be doing, whether she would like this or that...

Annie is still the guppy, a pup in training, not only on responding to me, but in her own inherent "dogness."  There is certainly Murphy in her, as there is the uniqueness of Sage.  The trick is, of course, to help her find her own way.  In the meantime, I will keep thinking about Murph, remembering there was once a time she was the guppy, too.

Murphy's day.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ruling the House

Sage is still top dog, but Annie is making a run for the money on this.  

I took out some of Murphy's puppy pictures and see the same attributes.  She is worming her way into the top of the heap.

Now, when I take her upstairs for bed, she tries to get on mine rather than in the crate.  She sneaks toward Sage's food, and during the day, tries to sleep near Sage.

Ruling the house.

Murphy's day.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This is What Happiness Looks LIke

Annie is in Total Discovery Mode.  Years ago I dug a small pond in my yard, that is underneath a Bay tree.  She has a new hobby, cleaning the pond from errant leaves.   Muzzle wet, paws damp, she comes inside romping and happy.

This is what happiness looks like.  And oh, by the way Big Brother, Happy Birthday!

Murphy's day.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Labs Are Not Lap Dogs

Labs are not lap dogs.  They are big.  But tell that to my labs.  

Murphy used to make a "move" to get into the passenger seat, regardless who was in it.  And she just wanted to be held.  

For a long time Sage adored the couch in my study and would curl up next to me watching a movie.

And now Miss Annie.  Who so far has tried to crawl on my lap when I am in the bathroom, on the couch, in bed...you get the drift.

She is gettin' big.  Too big for lap dog!  Try telling that to her!

Murphy's day.