Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Historic Pup

Sage was born on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay.  In a historic barn right on the shore.  Her breeder is from a long line of "founding families."  Sage comes by the moniker of "historic pup" not only because of birth but because she is such a great dog.  Stoic, loving, silly.  A historic pup.

As she ages, she has become sensitive to the loud noises of the 4th of July.  So she'll be hiding while all the fireworks and firecrackers are going off.

Nonetheless, she will be celebrating.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Big Bangs

As Murphy grew older, she hated the 4th of July. Way too loud for her.  So we began the tradition of being out of any firework range for the 4th.

One year, I woke up on the 5th, proud that I had managed to keep Murphy away from any loud noises.  All of a sudden a large, loud clap of thunder struck overhead.

Both Murphy and I were shaking in the sleeping bag!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Born in America

It's the week before the 4th of July.  And I think we'll spend this week celebrating "born in America."  Ok, yes, I do love The Boss's song, but also the girls who were born in America.

All three of my yellow labs were born in or near Washington, DC.  Murphy was born in a historic neighborhood.  One of my favorite Murphy as wee puppy stories was that several days after I first met her, she apparently hoisted herself out of the weaning pen and rattled around my friend Mary's basement. Mary thought it was a burglar.  But it was Murph, already showing her mischievous side.

Murphy's first 4th of July with me, we went to visit a friend up in Connecticut.  This friend has an elegant "second home" up there and I was invited to celebrate the holiday.  As I sat in my friend's kitchen, out of the door I could see this flash of yellow streaking one way then another, back and forth.  Murphy doing a mad dog on my friend's 200 acres, flinging into the stream, running amok in the corn fields...when we drove home through all the small towns and villages of southern Connecticut and Westchester County, New York, watching the firework shows, an exhausted Murphy had her head on my lap. It was a great beginning of many more 4th of Julys to come.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Having To Spend Time Inside

Maybe, maybe some sun for the weekend?  Because the girls are getting just a little bored.  Only so much football can keep them entertained.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wait. What Does the Weather Report Say?

I know, we're whining a lot about the weather.  But geez, it would be nice if we got a little sun.  Come on!

Murphy's Day

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Solstice

Hahahaha.  Summer?  Never?  Not in the Pacific Northwest.

Bundle up, it's really winter!

Murphy's Day

Monday, June 21, 2010

Where Did That Ball Go?

My friend's Les and Ann are owned by Kol, a black lab.  And from what I understand Kol is addicted to searching for the ball in piles of leaves.  So I thought I would try the spring version of that trick.  Hucking a ball into the tall grass.  Hmmm, I thought, that will keep Annie occupied.


She has a nose for the tennis ball.

Murphy's protege!

Murphy's Day

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sage is a Saint

Sage is a saint.  Really.  She puts up with her obnoxious sister, she endured her knee surgery, she watches over us like a hawk.

Saint Sage.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Parent's 63rd Wedding Anniversary

Today would have been my parent's 63rd wedding anniversary.  Not many people make it to 50 years, much less 63.  They almost did....

My mother grew up in a house where expressing emotion was frowned upon.  So, as she and my father fell in love, she could not express that when they talked on the telephone.  My father, on the other hand, grew up in a house where expressing emotion was not only ok, it was expected.  So, when my Dad talked with Mom on the phone he would say: "I love you."  And Mom would say: "Me too."

Engraved in their wedding bands was: "Me too."

Mom and too!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Heat

The poor girls are not used to heat.  As many of you know, I am slow, very slow, to turn the furnace on in the house.  So, we endure rather cool winters here.  By the time the sun hits Seattle, the girls have grown quite a bit of fur as a result of living in "the coolest house on the block," and we're not talking architecture!

Nothing, however, that nice dips in the Sound or in a river can't solve.  The girls know summer means swim lessons!

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Well, It Looks Innocent

There are few things more wonderful than walking through a field of tall grass.  But for the dogs and me, it also represents Tick Heaven.

Nonetheless, we dove into the field.  And of course, spent days picking ticks...

I know, we knew better.  But...

Murphy's Day.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Finally! Sun!

Finally, on Saturday, some sun!  It feels like this spring's weather has reflected my mood: sad, wet, gray.

But Saturday came the sun!

All of us felt better.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, June 11, 2010

It's Hard Work But Somedog Has To Do It

Ah, it's a hard job, but some dog has to go to work with Mommie.

Supervisor Annie of Shelterwood Consulting.

Murphy's Day

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bird Mom

We had chickadees in a bird house that I built and installed in the back yard.  Once I realized they were nesting, I would take care to make sure the girls were not outside while the mother flew in and out to feed them.

Last week, I heard a ruckus out in back, and indeed, there were four smaller chickadees and one larger one, all making quite a chatter.  Two days later they "flew the nest."

We feel like empty nesters...hmmm, maybe a condo in Hawaii or a fast red car?

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We Love Your Work, Mom

Not every dog gets to spend a day at work with their mom.  Mine work with me in the study.  But they really love the trips to the field.

Not bad for a lab!

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"She Seems Calmer"

People we meet keep saying this about Annie.  Of course, they don't live with her 24/7.  Calm?  I don't think that is a word I would use to describe her.

Wild Annie Oakley.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Rain = Boredom

Part two in our series on rain.  While Saturday was nice, and we all spent a large portion of it in the yard, Sunday turned wet, again.  Are we surprised?  And after a long and rather muddy run (in which Yellow labs become Black labs), we spent the rest of the day slightly edgy and bored...

Sunshine!  We're waiting!

Murphy's Day.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Tennis Balls

Annie is slowly becoming tennis ball driven.  She will even retrieve and put it down when I tell her to....

Slowly, slowly, she is becoming a mini-Murphy.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Way Too Many Smells

These two are really urbanized dogs.   But they love being outside as much as they do lounging on my bed.  So, in a field, they go crazy.  I think with labs, it is always best to just let them be labs.  They have amazing vision, overly sensitive noses, and ears that can hear cell phone conversations about treats 5 miles away.

Let 'em loose!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sensitive Sage

As Sage has grown up she has become so sensitive to me.  She knows something or things are bothering me, upsetting me.  So she tries to just stay close enough to "be there when I need her."

She is wise, that dog.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Rain = Grass

My backyard looks like an alfalfa field.  In eastern Washington, the grass is almost up to my chin (ok, that's an exaggeration, but it's awfully tall).  Great for ticks and keeping one active lab on the hunt for the tennis ball.

Quiet weekend remembering family...and a wet one.  Summer may never come.

Murphy's Day