Thursday, January 31, 2013

Guard Dogs

It's tough when you have so much to guard.

But they do a good job!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Miss Sensitive

Annie is Miss Sensitive.  She had a rough beginning in this family, having to spend much of her puppyhood in the back of the Pilot going to a fro taking care of my parents.  As a consequence, she is very sensitive.  She needs lots of attention, and change is hard on her.

We hadn't been east of the mountains in three weeks.

It was hard on her to adapt.

But she did.

And was also glad to be home.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sage is Getting Older

So she hiked, not once, but twice on Saturday.  And on Sunday morning, she looked at me like I was nuts to get up at 6:30AM and want to walk outside in 28˚ degree weather.

But she is so stoic, she got up, and not only went for her walk, but did a loop around the Wenatchee River.


She is an amazing girl.  A testament to the breed.

Then again, she really thinks the Umalina Spa looks good!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hiking in the Snow

There are some places where the snowshoers (I love to snowshoe) have trembled down the snow do that we really don't need snowshoes to go for a nice long hike.

On Saturday we hiked up Ingalls Creek...a gorgeous hike into wilderness.  The girls were ecstatic.  They loved being in the snow, following a river, and most of all (or at least I project) being outside with their people!

Isn't that what it is all about?  Family time?

Murphy's Day.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Play Time

I simply love this picture.

Sage's secret service detail!

They haven't been over east of the mountains in a long time.  Hopefully we can make that happen this weekend.

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

There Used to Be a Yard

Three dogs, one back yard.  You can only imagine what it looks like....especially after rain!

This spring (if spring ever comes)?  Work on the yard.

Meanwhile, I need to teach Willa that it is NOT her job to trim the hydrangea!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

And We Are Going for a Walk, When?

Willa is an intense dog.  When she wants something, she tells me.  She has a full repertoire of sounds, including the ability to stamp her feet and moan as if the world may end if she doesn't go for a long walk, right now!

Then there is the front paws on my desk, muzzle underneath my arm: "it's time to stop working, Mom" thing that she does.

And who said labs are mellow?

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

President for Life in Her Lab Limo

One of President Sage's favorite things is to check on her money.

Her private banker, Kelly, makes sure she also gets tons of Milk Bones.

Annie Oakley and Willa benefit from this...even the "secret service" get a treat now and then!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sage: President for Life

Sage is definitely President of this small "country."  She runs us like a well oiled machine.  We know when we're supposed to get her outside, what time the "mommie Secret Service" is supposed to show up, when the President's chef is supposed to have the meals laid down....

So tonight, she is throwing another inaugural ball.  We'll all dance to Springstein, Alicia Keys, the Supremes, and celebrate her election (although I think she is the only one who could vote) to President for Life!

If we can get a copy of her speech, we'll post it.  I suspect it is something short, like: "woof."

Murphy's Day.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Ok, So Now Do We Get to Go to the Snow?

Dog impatience.  Willa is fully capable of initiating a riot (isn't there a law against that?) when she wants to go to the beach, the ball field, on a walk, or to the snow.

This is about a patient as I see her....

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Muddy Fields

It's actually been quite nice having the cold weather.  It dries out the ball fields and Annie doesn't get into my car looking like this.

There is nothing better for a lab than diving into a mud puddle, no, I mean a mud hole, chasing a tennis ball.  Nothing.  Well, except snow.

There are not enough old towels in this world to clean off Annie when she is on a roll!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Our Friends

Over the holidays friends of ours gave the girls lots of presents.

This picture is of the girls on Christmas morning enjoying hand made biscuits from our great friends Tad and Pam.

You can tell they didn't want them....haha

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Our Visitors from the North

And another thing that has been wonderful about the city this year has been the visit from Snowy owls. Contrary to many who think they migrate south because of global climate change, it's because lemmings are not very smart.  They breed like crazy, then crash, then breed, then crash.  And every year since time began, when the lemming population crashes, Snowy owls head south to find food.  So, there are two of them in my neighborhood!  It's very cool.

And when I say my neighborhood, I mean literally a block or so away.

They have been a spectacular way to enjoy this season.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sometimes Walks in the City Can Be Fun

Didn't go out of town this weekend.  Decided to stay and really try to get myself back to at least 80%.  This has been a long haul.

So, on our late afternoon walk on Saturday we were greeted with the most amazing sunset.

I'm not much of an urban person anymore.  Traffic, hipsters, traffic, "being cool," traffic....but sometimes staying in the city can be fun.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Well, now that we're over all the flu and various ailments, we've watched Downton Abbey several times...we're ready to bolt for the weekend.

Looking for snow, of course.

It keeps the girls happy and that makes me happy.

Time to stack the labs in the back of the truck!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Is There Anything Sillier?

Annie has perfected the mud-face painting that Murphy used to do so well.  Face first into a puddle, in a sprint, chasing what used to be a yellow tennis ball.

It's silly.  But wonderful!

Murphy Day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Stacking Labs

Well, they are not Tupperware, but they do usually figure out how to stack in the truck...not their favorite way to travel, but the 4 wheel drive is a game changer in terms of getting us up and over the snowy passes and up steep driveways at Nahahum Canyon.

Yes, there are three dogs in this picture!

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Personal Banking

I know it seems archaic in the days of taking pictures of checks with my smartphone and using my banking application to deposit money, but I still go to the drive-through of my bank.


Well, my personal banker, Kelly, has a "thing" for the girls, Sage in particular.  While Sage normally growls, barks, and snarls at anyone who gets close to the car, Kelly has managed to woe Sage with treats and tough love.

You should see the excitement when I say: "Girls, let's go to the bank!"

Hopefully my more-than-dysfunctional-too-big-to-fail bank understands that most of the time old fashioned customer service actually works!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Where is Mommie

Well, New Years has come in with a bang around here.  First, last Wednesday morning, Sage was sick, then by Wednesday night, I was deep into a four day bout with the flu (and am still feeling a little funky).  It was a whooper.

The girls, of course, always get anxious when their routine is disrupted.  Much less more than worried when normally active Mommie isn't even moving except from the bed to the bathroom....

Note to self for next year: Don't ignore the flu shot suggestions!

Murphy's Day.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Snow Days!

I have written about this dozens of times.  But for a lab, there is not much better than snow.  And last week, we found lots of snow.

The girls became toboggan coaches, running alongside and barking all the way down the driveway...a 1/4 mile run.  Exhilarating for all!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sage's Christmas

She knows her sock.  She knows that whatever is in it, is her's.  And she knows if she is patient enough, she will also end up with whatever Annie and Willa got.

Older sisters.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sage is Nine

As we begin the New Year,  I have to mention that we passed Sage's ninth birthday while we were away.  Nine!  I remember driving on a cold February Friday night over the Bay Bridge to Easton Maryland, meeting my friend Mary, who bred Sage (and Murphy), walking into her heated and gorgeous garage, meeting Sage for the first time.

"I will take care of you for the rest of your life."

I said that to Sage that night, but really, it's been the reverse.  She has taken care of me.  Through a lot of "stuff," as they say.

She is stoic, kind, fiercely protective, silly, investigative, and did I mention stoic?

I am so grateful we met on that cold Friday night in Mary's garage.  That we took Annapolis by storm the next day (did Starbucks ever recover?), and that little head peeking out of her carry bag, underneath the seat in front of me, upgraded to First Class...the flight attendants totally ignored the rest of the plane as they fawned all over Sage.

Who wouldn't?

Welcome back!  It's the new year.  More adventures with this crazy pack of labs, all rollicking like labs do...

Murphy's Day.