Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick or Treat!

Halloween presents its own set of challenges for dogs.  First there are all these children at the door, in costume.  Dogs see shapes and many of these shapes are scary to them.

Second, kids tend to leave chocolate all over the street after their treat or treating.  So walking the dogs after several waves of children at the door is a challenge.  It's like navigating a slalom course, weaving between the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and the Snicker's Bars.

Third, in return for the dogs being scared of the children, the kids are scared of the dogs.  Big noses, barking, tails wagging.

I always have dog bones for the dogs who accompany the parents and children....unless my own goblins get to them first!

Happy Halloween!

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Resting Up

Of course, I always worry when one of my dogs has to have surgery.

But I don't know why I am still surprised at how resilient this breed is after suffering.  Willa popped back up and has been terrorizing her sisters since the morning after her surgery.

That said, she is still on moist food.  And the worst part is no dog chewies.  Boy, do I get the hairy eyeball on that one.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lab Country

This was the view as we came down the trail from a hike last weekend.

Lab country.

Absolutely gorgeous.

Murphy's Day.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Tooth Fairy

I am not kidding you, the vet sent Willa home with her tooth that was extracted.

So, Willa put it under her pillow and when she woke, here was a blue shark stuffed toy.

Even in her post-op stupor, her eyes got wide.

Of course, the poor shark has already had it's squeakeptomy...but there still remains enough stuffing for a pillow.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Best Place to Heal

If you're a lab, staying quiet isn't an option.

The best place to heal: Nahahum Canyon.

On our way!

Murphy's Day.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Somethings Don't Change

One thing about labs, surgery or pain doesn't seem to slow them down.  For the most part, labs are resilient, tough animals.

Willa is no exception.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Willa is Home

She is home.  And snuggling.  And hopefully will feel better.

And she gets all the soft food she wants.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Signs of Fall While We Wait for Willa

I hate it when one of the girls is in surgery.

That tapping noise are my toes, waiting to hear when I can pick up Willa.


Murphy's Day.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Willa and the Vet

So, a few weeks ago, Willa came downstairs with a rather large "knot" on the right side of her face.  After a day or so, it went down, so I thought: "bee sting."  But it never went completely away, so last week Willa went to visit the vet.

And tomorrow, poor Willa has surgery to have a chipped tooth removed.

Soft food and lots of love for a few days thereafter.

The worst part for her will be no ball throw for awhile.

The worst part for Sage, Annie and me will be waiting to get Willa home.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, October 18, 2013

About Those Two Peas

Ok, well, sometimes it just doesn't work out the way you want it to...or so says Annie Oakley.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

So Two Women and Three Dogs Went for An Autumn Hike

And encountered a lot of snow.  A lot of snow.

All of us were stiff (well, except Willa, who hike 16 miles to our 8! and proving her upland game cred, flushed out three grouse) for several days after the hike.  Much less, here are two very very experienced outdoor women and do you think we wore the right shoes?  Or turned back when we realized our feet were frozen?

But the dogs had a blast.  It's the thing about labs.  They are four season all weather dogs.  Don't even need to change their paws!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Two Peas in a Pod

They have been together now, for two years.

While they have some issues, like any relationship, they are truly two peas in a pod, or two labs in heaven.

Lots of antics.  Lots of running amok.  Lots of silliness.  And sometimes, moments like this.

This is why I simply love this breed.  Clear eyes, full hearts, never want to lose.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Because of the heavy rains we had in Seattle, my back yard looks like a muddy duck pond.  So I've resorted to walking the dogs more and throwing ball less.

You can only imagine when we get to eastern Washington how grateful all of us feel.


Leashless is the order of the day.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sharing, II

And then, sometimes, there are problems with the "sharing thing."  In this case, Willa just couldn't find a spot to lay down in the back seat of the truck, so she decided to make Annie endure this posture for much of the ride.

Didn't phase Willa a bit.

Annie?  Not so much.

Murphy's Day.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

On Furlough

Last week I ran into my friend Tugboat.  Tugboat's mom, Mariam, is a lawyer for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (or NOAA as we call it around here).  She works on ocean fish issues.

So Tugboat was enjoying his mom's furlough.  Quality time with mom.

See, there are good things that can happen when the humans take some time off!

Murphy's Day.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Isn't that the first thing we're all supposed to learn?  How to share?

I caught Sage and Willa practicing.

Murphy's Day.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Lazy Weekends

Nothing better than nice walks down the driveway, a little fishing, maybe a hike, a run....lots of good food.

The girls are happy.  I am happy.


Murphy's Day.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Willa's Ideal Weekend

Willa's ideal weekend is being outside.

Same with me.

Thank goodness we got out last weekend.

Murphy's Day.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Why We Like Seattle

I've been having discussions with friends about moving.  When I make columns about like and don't like about Seattle, the don't like is oh-so much longer (did I mention we have a crappy baseball team?).

But there are things about Seattle I love.

Now, what is happening here is major illegal.  Dogs are not allowed on public beaches in Seattle.

But when we do our civil disobedience, it's so nice!

Murphy's Day!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Annie Oakley At Work

Amazon allows workers (I suspect highly paid white collar workers) to bring their dogs to work.

Annie thinks that is no big deal.

She spends her whole day supervising me.

If I am not working hard enough, I hear about it.

Tough boss.  No sick leave.  Minimal wage.  And a high expectation of the toy basket (see upper left corner) to be filled.

Murphy's Day.