Sunday, November 4, 2012

Patience is a Virtue?

For active labs, it was a long long weekend.  First, I decided after 17 years, it was time to paint the living room/dining room of the house.

Second, it was raining.

So the girls not only didn't get much play time, they had to suffer through the house being completely torn apart.

Knowing they were anxious, we worked really hard, and got the painting done in one day.

Of course, I forgot to tell the girls that the clocks "fell back" an hour, so exactly at what was 6 AM in their clocks, Willa and Annie decided I needed to get up.

It was a long weekend,  but the house looks fabulous (who knew I would love a Ralph Lauren paint color called Parchment?).  And Willa managed to stay out of the paint!

Murphy's Day.

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