Thursday, November 1, 2012


Murphy.  This blog's namesake.

It's been 4 years since she died, November, 2008.  I still miss her greatly.  While my three girls constantly remind me of Murphy, she holds onto my heart.  And that is a good thing.  Each of these characters are unique and that is what life is about...learning to love over and over and over.

But as the dark, misty days creep in, I think about Murphy a lot more.  How she found such joy in simple things.  How she got so excited over simple things.  She really taught me a lot about what is valuable in life.

And she always managed to find joy.  Even in the wet, dreary, dark days of a Pacific Northwest winter or the bitter cold days in New York.  She lived every moment.

Sage, Annie Oakley, and Willa have that same passion for their lives.  I can't sleep in very often because Willa wants to get going with the day.  She'll pace all over the bed, working on getting me up. Annie will come and kiss me, and Sage always stands ready at the door.

"Let's get going."

Murphy, I know, is wagging her tail watching the whole thing.

I miss you Murph.

Murphy's Day.

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