Sunday, November 18, 2012

When in Astoria, Do as the Astorians Do!

We're back home, at least until Wednesday then off for the Thanksgiving holiday (the girls favorite holiday...what is not to like, lots of turkey?).

We had a great time, despite the rain.  And more rain.  And coming home to rain.

So, our first night was in Astoria, Oregon.  Near where Lewis and Clark camped for the winter, and almost lost their minds because of the rain (did we mention the rain?).  Despite the weather, it is a lovely town, fantastic maritime history museum, and a lovely hotel on a pier where we watched Sea Labs, er I mean Sea Lions, roll around outside our window.

Very dog friendly.  Sage was ecstatic when she walked into the room and found this bed waiting for her.  A cozy fire...all was good except for Annie being sick from drinking too much sea water at Long Beach.

When in Astoria find a fire and a good bed.

Murphy's Day.

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