Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Too Cold?

Yes, indeed, Murphy would have loved this snow and cold.  Although, I hate saying this, but I am not sure she would have been comfortable in these temperatures given how frail and feeble she was becoming.  Of course, I would have done everything: heating pads, fleece blankets, heck, I would have come downstairs and slept with her in my heavy sleeping bag...ok, ok, I would have even turned on the heat.  But, still, it's wicked cold for an old girl.

On Monday night there was a fairly strong north wind while I was walking Sage.  My friends in "the real West" will laugh, but it made me think of living in Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota.  Ouch, it was cold.  I was reminded of times I lived in New York, after ice storms, and Murphy and I would run in the near-by strip mall parking lot because it was the only place sanded, the we would slip-slide back up the hill home, looking like we were novice skaters at the hockey rink.  

Sage seems to relish this weather.  All the scents are freeze-dried.  Maybe it is reminding her DNA of what labs were bred to do: leap into the frigid waters off the eastern shore of Canada to bring in fishing nets.  

So, I guess it isn't too cold, but I would have been very worried about Murphy, and in the middle of the night I found myself lying awake trying to hear Sage.  She seems fine and knows there is an open invitation to be lifted into my bed.

Murphy's day.

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