Saturday, August 23, 2008

Her Silliness

Well, if silliness is a gauge for health, Sage is now well on the mend.  Thursday brought several indications she is doing great.  On the late afternoon walk with Murph, Sage made a beeline for the gate, the second time this week of total "moony eyes," begging to go.  I retrieved her leash, and she got the thrill of a lifetime, a walk around the block.  But, she has been on home confinement, now, for five weeks, so a little walk  must be a slice of heaven for her.

But, then there was Thursday night.  I went upstairs.  For those of you who have seen my house, the stairs are steep.  She has not wanted to go upstairs for awhile.  I'd been upstairs for a few minutes when I heard, then saw, Sage with a big honking piece of rawhide in her mouth (gifts for Mommy!).  Tail wagging so much it could propel a boat.  Of course, taking her downstairs, she got a little scared, but she did it.  What a nut!

She is truly silly.

And the end of this adventurous day, just before I asked her to get on her bed, I watched her and Murphy seemingly talk with each other.  Sage sniffing Murph's ears, her eyes, Murphy doing the same with Sage.  It's as if they were sharing the day.  Hey Murph, did you see me climb the stairs?  And go on your walk.  Hehehe, the girrrrrrl is back!  Pretty cool, huh?

Murphy's day and her silliness, The Sage.

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