Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Labs generally are not known for having brakes.  I can regale anyone with stories of the times Murphy launched herself off of various banks, shores, bulkheads into bodies of water, calm or swift.  Or how she never would quit chasing balls, running up trails, breaking the path in deep snow.  No brakes.

Sage, as with many things, is an anomaly to the breed.  She is often cautious, timid, and reluctant.

All which in healing her leg is a good thing.  She has brakes and doesn't seem to really mind if I ask her to apply them.  In fact, I think this enforced and lengthy time out is really not that much different than how she normally is when I am not egging her on to swim, run, hike.  I actually think I ended up with a mellow-yellow.

She even willingly goes into her crate, and frequently will spend much of the day in there, with the door wide open, her preferred napping spot.  Simply amazing.

Murphy's day and Sage now into week four of healing.

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