Saturday, June 21, 2008

Summer Solstice

Ok, it's arrived.  Summer.  Or at least on the calendar it has arrived.  

For those of you who don't live in Seattle, there is a tradition here, celebrating the Summer Solstice.  The Fremont Parade.  It's crazy, and despite the over gentrification of the Fremont neighborhood (read: it's too chic, too many condos, and Google, Adobe, and other chi-chi e-commerce companies are there), the parade seems to maintain it's silliness.  Every year there are the naked bicyclists and every year the police say they are going to arrest them.  A tradition of sorts.  The odd floats, the political statements (Republicans rarely fair well in the parade), the cute little hippy kids (yes, there are still a few in the parade although I doubt they can afford to live in Seattle).  

Summer.  I am looking for warmth on Murphy's hips, reprieve for all of our arthritis, and a few long evenings where we all can enjoy the garden.  I want to turn down the volume on the predictable rhetoric of the presidential campaign, escape from the seemingly endless sadness of the current economic state, and laugh at the escapades of local politicians who are taking themselves way too seriously.  

It's summer.  We lost spring to cold, wet, damp days.  Murphy spent three months looking at me wondering what I did to the sun.  Hopefully she can now have a few months of hot, languid days.

Murphy's day.

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