Friday, April 25, 2008

Changes, Part 4

Last night was much better.  Murph slept through the night, downstairs, but slept through.  I left a "nightlight" on for her in the kitchen, gave her an extra Rimadyl for any arthritis pain.  Who knows what, if anything, changed from the night before.  But, we all slept.

In fact, as I got up at 5 AM, I heard Sage move over from her "designated Sage only sleeping" spot on my bed and onto my pillows.  Boy, was she glad I got up!

Right now Murph is on her bed in the study, waiting for me to finish and pop some bread into the toaster.  I am grateful that she is monitoring the routine.  Our daily practices.  Some people do Yoga, we do toast.

Murphy's day.

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