Tuesday, November 18, 2008


God must have had a delightful sense of humor when Labs were created.  Murphy and Sage make me laugh out loud at least a dozen times every day.  They just know how to live without inhibition.  It's a gift.

And they are so uncomplicated.  It's the simple things that make them tick.  Meals, human company, walks, time spent with their friends.  They don't need wildly expensive shoes, pricey jeans, or even a luxury car with a DVD system (although Sage, I think, might enjoy watching "Finding Nemo" on long road trips).

As we engage in a national debate about just how we let the economy much less our own personal finances get into smoldering ruins, Labs can teach us a lot of things about living simply, enjoying family, friends, the moment.  And they can help us laugh.  
Murphy's day. 

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