Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What a Wonderful World

Last Saturday night, on an errand to the grocery store, I found a kid hiding from the checkout woman.  I saw him and "acted surprised."  He shhhhhhed me, finally the checkout woman saw him, then saw his mother, and laughed.  Oh, I know him, she said.  It was a tender moment, a tiny bit of community in a grocery store owned by some huge chain from the east coast.

A week before, at a friend's wedding, it's cold, the wedding was outside, it rained.  Everyone handled it with good cheer, a sense of adventure.  When the band struck up the dance for the bride and her father, finally everyone joined in one large circle, singing with the band, What a wonderful world.

Amid all the turmoil, the sadness, the loss of hope, there are wonderful wonderful moments.  It's what life is about.

Murphy's day.

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