Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dreary Day

Murphy must be sensitive to weather.  Little hard to not notice good weather when you live in Seattle.  Gray, gray, gray, gray, did I say gray?  But recently it has been nice.  Mild.  The crocuses are blooming and I can see leaves starting on my cherry tree.  
Part of Murphy's restlessness has been due, I think, to this weather.  Life is getting shorter for her, she wants to make the most of it (hmmm, a little projecting here?).

Today is more typical of Seattle.  It's raining!  And after the bark I want toast she has settled down for her nap.  That's after several nuzzles on my leg as I work at the computer.  I have a cold.  Maybe she is doting on me a little.  She noticed that my routine changed this morning when I didn't have the energy to run.  

We all work together here, making sure we get through the dreary days.  Curling up, napping, knowing this storm will pass, eventually.

Murphy's day.

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