Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dame Murphy

If you want a dog with attitude, live with a terrier.  My Soft Coated Wheaten, Riley, owned the world and allowed the rest of us to live in it.  Labs are totally different.  They are all about becoming part of your world.  Mimics.  Those big brown eyes carefully watch your every move, then attempt to assimilate into your world.  

One Thanksgiving a number of years ago I had lots of friends and family at the table.  We were are engaged in a lively discussion about something, I can not even remember what.  Murphy had been sleeping, then when we all laughed and the level of talk became louder, she woke, and I think decided she wanted to contribute.  A friend was sitting on a bench on one side of the table, and Murphy simply climbed onto the bench, sat up, and I kid you not, looked ready to engage: Ok, what's the topic?  Bark bark bark.

As Murphy ages, though, there is a certain grace and elegance about her.  She has become a little more demanding.  Toast time, in particular.  She isn't a queen, but perhaps a knight.  My hero, of course.  And certainly has a right to seek out the little things that will make her happy.  Dame Murphy.

Murphy's day.

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