Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Haunted by Dogs

Over the weekend, good friends Ann and Scott sent me a gorgeous picture of their one year old Golden, Riley, snowshoeing with them at Mt. Baker.  Riley came into their lives a few months after their wonderful Maisey died.  Riley is a character, laying down in every mud puddle he can find. And he has been a God send to them, as Ann has struggled with cancer, Scott with knee replacement surgery, and the joy of their first grandchild.

Just as Norman Maclean wrote about being haunted by rivers (the Blackfoot in particular), I am haunted by dogs.  Dogs in my past, friend's dogs, and of course, the trio of nut cases that now dominate my life.

I can not imagine my life with out a dog.  Willa and Annie get me up in the morning, Sage dances to "Oh What A Beautiful Morning," and the three of them make me laugh, remind me sequestration is not important but dinner time is, and that nap time is important.

I am forever grateful for every dog in my life.

To really misquote Norman: Eventually everything merges into one and a dog is the center of it all....

Murphy's Day.

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