Tuesday, March 5, 2013


There is a wonderful simplicity about being a dog.  If I am mad or upset at one of them, they look at me, shrug, and essentially say "it's your problem, you'll get over it."

All the angst and dark clouds in the political world these days doesn't even phase the girls.  They live for their ball throw, their walks, runs, and of course (and most importantly) food and treats.

There is no doubt in my mind that dogs sense stress in the human they love.  Mine certainly do.  But they also know, I think, how to prioritize.  If it's something they can't do anything about?  They let the "river flow" and figure sooner or later it will get better.

I think we have a lot to learn from dogs.  It's been said before by better authors...but really, we can only enjoy each moment if we are "in" that moment.  My girls approach each day as if they have been shot out of a cannon.  It's life, pulsing, every moment, unless they are totally asleep and even then, they seem content and happy.

The rest of the world?  Well, I guess someone else will take care of that.

Something to be said for being clueless!

Murphy's Day.

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