Monday, December 12, 2011

After Such a Rough Time....

As I began to write out my Christmas cards I became reflective.  Just what happened this year and what can I expect to happen during 2012.  The past few years have been, as they say, a "rough patch," with the deaths of Murphy, my parents, and several good friends.  This last year, while there was loss, was a bit calmer, allowing me time to catch my breath and begin thinking about the next phases of my life.  Where do I want to be?  What do I want to be doing?  How can I realize dreams?

This past weekend we stayed home, getting a few things done including the "dreaded" Costco run, leaf raking, and general household duties.  I also went to a neighborhood where my parents lived the last few years of their lives (and I haven't been back in about a year) only to find their favorite breakfast place totally changed!  Sigh.  The world moves on and on.

The girls seemed to enjoy a slower weekend, despite runs and walks, it was slow for us.  And in watching them I realized how lucky we are.  Three years ago Christmas Day my friend Mary Tydings called with news about a litter of yellow labs and a little over a week later Annie Oakley came into our lives.  And this year I met a neighbor and now good friend who told me about her nephew's gorgeous yellow Sydney and at the end of September came Willa.  While three active labs is certainly a handful (and let me tell you how many people want to tell us that as we walk: "my, you certainly have your hands full!") at this point I couldn't imagine our lives any other way.  Willa burst onto the scene and hasn't stopped working her way into our daily lives.  As I exercise I keep reminding myself that I have to stay somewhat limber as I age just to keep up with Annie and Willa (Sage is finally beginning to slow down a tish).

So after such a rough few years, where our lives were consumed with doctors, cooking breakfasts, lunches, dinners, cleaning two houses, running errands, grocery shopping for two households, vets, trying to run my consulting's been a little quieter this year.  I have time to enjoy the two "nuts" in the picture as they wrestle and cavort around the house.

Murphy's Day.

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