Thursday, July 9, 2009

Visit to the Vet

Well, it was Sage's first trip back since her stitches were removed almost a year ago. And as I predicted, she was cranky about it. We ended up giving her her shot in the parking lot!

Then Annie. She trembled, wouldn't get on the scale (she is 67 lbs), and tried to leave. We held her down, though, to get the needle in for a biopsy (we'll know more today), but the vet thinks it's an ulcerated benign tumor which will disappear at some point. We hope. But she, like her sister, does not like the vet.

Their treat? Meeting Pele at the park. Liz called, had wheels, and we were on! Two Yellow labs, one Black lab...running amok in the park. It was great. Sage was happy, Annie had a blast, made the trip to the vet all worth while (or so I thought!).

Murphy's day.

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