Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Front Yard

As we all age, small things become important, I think.  For Sage, as she got older and her hind legs didn't want runs or hikes, one thing she absolutely adored was running from the back yard into the front yard.

There were a number of reasons she did this.  One was to find a tennis ball I may have thrown over the fence while playing with Willa or Annie.  Another was to just hang out if I finally got around to gardening.

Sage could always be trusted to hang out in the front yard, that is after a HUGE issue when she was a puppy and left by someone out of in back without checking the gate...and I get a call that Sage is in the street chasing a plastic bottle...

But after that, she was perfect in the front yard.

And sometimes, actually, a lot of times, I would intentionally throw the tennis ball over the fence because she so loved running into the front and feeling important finding the tennis ball.  It was her moment.

I've been out in back several days now, throwing tennis balls.  And once, one went over the fence.  Willa, who was a keen observer of Sage, bolted for the gate, whimpered to be let out, and ran for the tennis ball.  Sage left a legacy.

The front yard.  Sometimes it really is a small thing that is important.

Murphy's Day.

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