Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hot Dogs

After enduring the longest mildest winter (what was it Mark Twain said about San Francisco?  The nicest winter he ever had was a summer in San Francisco?  Same thing about Seattle), we got a bit of heat.  The girls, who usually wilt at the first 75° seemed as glad as me to see the sun and feel the heat.  Annie just laid in the sun, absorbing and Sage seemed fairly relaxed and not panting about looking for a cool space to hide.  Of course, nothing beats getting into a lake or river to cool off, and I made sure they had plenty of that.

A tish of summer....I know all you folks east of the Rockies have been enduring heat and probably roll your eyes at our complaining about the cool summer here in the Northwest.  But somehow eating watermelon in 50° just doesn't say "summer" to me.

Murphy's Day.

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