Monday, June 27, 2011

Saving Energy

After years of owning gas guzzling SUVs and vans, I finally realized that $70 a tank wasn't doing anything for my bank account and certainly was making someone else a whole lot wealthier.  So, after doing some research, I figured an electric car would never cut it for my ever wandering soul, I have environmental issues with hybrids (think battery), so I looked into diesel.  And after some dithering, Sage and Annie are now the proud owners of a red (nothing says mid-life like red) VW Jetta Sportwagen TDI.  This past weekend was it's first outing outside of the city.  And wow, was I amazed at the gas mileage.

It's a little tighter quarters for the girls, but not too bad, and it's much lower to the ground so Sage seems to be happy not having to leap so high into the car.

Plus, it gives me an excuse to dust off the cargo box and begin using it again.

Saving energy and money.  Pretty good!

Murphy's Day.

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