Thursday, June 30, 2011


An intense fire swept through the property last summer.  The ecologist in me was ecstatic, the Ponderosa pine and aspen stand needed a good fire.  It's part of the ecology.  Of course, Sage and I, ecologists, have been fascinated in the rejuvenation of the landscape.  Every time we go over we look at the vegetation and also watch for the bird species.  What is growing in and what is flying over.  Simply amazing.  The wonderful thing about being owned by a dog or in my case, two Yellow labs, is they get me outside, every day, no matter the weather.  And since we go to the same spots, it allows me to watch nature change over time and space.  I think it was John Muir who said something to the effect that whenever he walked in nature he felt like he learned more than he asked.

Currently our policy makers are using the word resilience a lot in their speeches.  I think they are using it to try to convince us that we are resilient.  And we are.  But really, we can learn a lot from nature.  The resilience of nature is truly a miracle.  And I think the same thing about Sage, with her knee, with the pain she must feel in her other knee (I know a lot about compensating injuries).  Yet every day she seems to show me rejuvenation.

Murphy's Day.

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