Monday, June 6, 2011

Roll on Columbia

The Columbia River is a massive system.  The water flow and levels are controlled by a series of dams, stretching it's whole length.  Rarely does this river flood because of the massive amounts of reservoirs throughout its length.  But now, it's flooding.  Grand Coulee dam, the "granddaddy" of the dams, is letting water out in rates unseen in a long time.  Wind power operators have been shut down because there is no room on the grid for their power!

Sage and Annie thoroughly enjoyed the flooding.  The water was far closer for them to take a swim over Memorial Weekend.

What struck me is how this river is a focal point for the residents of Wenatchee, where two rivers, the Wenatchee and Columbia converge.  Everyone we met (after commenting on how beautiful Sage and Annie are) talked about the flooding.  How marvelous to live near or on such a magnificent natural resource and know its ebbs and flows so intimately.

Murphy's Day.

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