Monday, March 8, 2010

Growing Old

We spent a lot of time with my father this weekend. He is in a rehab/nursing facility. My brother and sister-in-law came up to visit. And we all deeply felt the frailty and fragility of his life.

In watching Murphy during her last two years I watched her, every day, becoming more frail and fragile. And, like my father, she felt family. Family was so important to her. And exactly the same thing for my father. He always took care of his family, just as Murphy worried about hers.

This is a hard time for this family. It was a tender, sad, poignant day. We are all growing old. Later yesterday, I went back to see my father, held his hand, and felt strength. I am growing old, too. But not too old to want to hold his hand.

Murphy's day.

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