Thursday, September 24, 2009

There is Something About My Family

My two nieces are fantastic women. The older niece (who is not THAT old) is raising two amazing children. She takes her training as a teacher and applies it to a rambunctious son, Jacob, and her little daughter, Claire. Plus she has this drop dead good looking husband. And my younger niece is juggling a legal career, baby boy Joshua, and marriage to the kindest man. But then there is the issue of their dogs.

This is my niece Brooke's dog, Maggie. Sophie, my other niece's dog, is a wild Golden, who chases bubbles. Yesterday I checked Facebook and found pictures from my niece of their kids, and in every pic, I swear, were their dogs. Now where do you think they got that from? Is it genetic? My brother is crazy about his dog (and was nuts about his first Golden). But I am beginning to believe dogs control this family. Kinda' scary...I think I should do something about that...hahaha

Murphy's day.

1 comment:

Peter and Megan said...

Funny, since brooke is going to Oregon this weekend, we have both of the dogs again.

Mags is lots of fun to have around, and is sleeping on that very chair right now.