Thursday, April 30, 2009

First 100 Days

Ok, well, Annie has been with us a little bit more than 100 days, but we thought we'd indulge in the 100 day hoopla!

It's amazing to me that she isn't swimming, yet.  Murph took to swimming like a, well, er, lab to water.  I had to teach Sage.  I carried her out in a lake, gently put her down and let her swim to shore.  I did that a few times and now, there is no stopping her in the water.  

Annie is getting close.  I need to find a lake that doesn't have a severe drop-off, or wade out with her...

But she has other lab successes.  She loves her tennis ball.  And of course her biscuits.  So, I would say her first 100 days are a smashing success!

Murphy's day.

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