Tuesday, June 23, 2015


It's officially summer.  Lots of traveling back and forth from the "wet side" to the "dry side."  It's amazing me to me how the girls adjust and find fun wherever they end up.  But yesterday, when we finally packed up and left, Willa was reluctant to leave the canyon.  Can't blame her.  It's getting harder and harder to travel back and forth.

On another note, I've been doing a lot of thinking, recently, about this blog.  I've kept it since 2008, almost 7 years.  I started it as a way to talk about Murphy, my first lab, and the experience of being with her as she aged and finally died.  I was able to witness and absorb grace, humility, dignity from Murphy.  Then deal with all the pain and helplessness of loss.

Now, with three labs, my life and world revolves around them.  Sage is aging, and I find myself beginning to wake in the night, listening for her.  Watching her more carefully, trying to find ways to make her feel even more special.  And I wonder if this blog is going to become about Sage...or if I should just stop writing and let it be.

For the time being, I will continue the blog, see what direction it takes.  It's summer.  There are adventures that await us.

Murphy's Day.

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