Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day

Sage has a pedigreed father.  Cain.  He was a huge, gorgeous yellow lab from Delaware.  Murphy's father was Houston, a champion hunter, champion show dog.  Willa's father, Maverick, came from fine hunting stock and her mother was AKC.

Annie Oakley?  Well, she is gorgeous and her mother was AKC, but we don't know much, if anything about her father.  But he gave us a great lab.

Nonetheless, she is loved.  And is an absolutely gorgeous, wonderful, complicated lab.

So this is the day we honor our fathers.  Mine was an amazing man.  Artistic.  Thoughtful.  Emotional.  Intense.  The ultimate do-it-yourself man.  He graduated from law school at 65.  He died five years ago and I miss him more and more every day.

Father's matter.

Murphy's Day.

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