Monday, April 22, 2013

On Last Week

Like everyone, we watched the events of last week with a mix of horror, sadness, and pride.  Pride in how swiftly and deliberately the law enforcement and first responders reacted.

We can never fully ensure our safety and security in life.  Each day, I have found, must give me meaning and fulfillment, since, well, you just never know.

I found myself hugging the girls a lot last week.  Grateful they were there to make me smile, to get me outside, to remind me that life is valuable.

Despite the fact the suspects have been found, it's not over for the many victims.  I saw a report that a "canine" ministry was already attending to many of the victims, bringing in Golden retrievers to those maimed and hurt in the blasts.  While modern medicine performs wonders, dogs at a bedside really do miracles.

You're in our hearts, Boston.

Murphy's Day.

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