Friday, April 19, 2013

New Collar

When I lived back east I used to joke that the state dog of Vermont was a labrador and the requirement was the dog had to wear a red collar.  For years my dogs all had red collars.

I am picky about the collars.  I want something plain, washable, and expandable as they grow.  At the risk of being an advertisement, I buy Orvis collars.  They have one where the girl's name and my telephone number is embroidered on the collar.  It's been helpful over the years.

When Annie came along, I stopped getting red.  She got orange (although now she wants cameo with orange lettering..."toughen her up," she says).  And Willa then went to lime green, which is about as loud as she is....for several years Sage didn't wear a collar.  Too well behaved to need one, I guess.  Plus, I love her lion's mane that she has around her neck.

But, recently, I had to order Willa a new collar, and so, Sage got one too.  I am far far away from red these days.  Sage's is in basic black with white lettering.  A tuxedo!  It so fits her!

Murphy's Day.

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