Monday, February 18, 2013


Patience is not a word generally associated with labs.  In fact, it's never in the same sentence as labrador retriever.

But my girls have developed a tiny bit of, well, patience.

I love this photo.  I took this on Monday mid-day, as they became aware we were heading back to Seattle.  Cooler comes out, duffels get packed, house gets vacuumed.

So they wait until the truck loading (Sage in first as always).

I wonder what they think about this bi-coastal living.  I know they sure love the freedom to roam.  And Willa has a chance to practice her "guard duty," which is much needed since our neighborhood in Seattle is having a rash of home break-ins even while people are there (yikes!), so I encourage Willa to be as protective as she wants.

But they never seem relieved to get back to Seattle, even though it is familiar territory.

I am thinking....patience, Kim.  Maybe someday we'll stop the commuting...and end up in lab heaven!

Murphy's Day.

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