Wednesday, May 25, 2011


On Monday I met with a kid from the neighborhood who may mow the law (it's a long story but my current guy is MIA).  When the kid knocked on the back door, the girls were upstairs, crashed on the bed.  But the minute I went outside, they came flying downstairs and began barking.  They barked the whole time I was outside.

When I got back in, Sage was prancing by the back door: Let me at him....

Years ago, at my first house, my father asked a security guy to see if I needed an alarm.  My Airedale almost went through the large plate glass window trying to get at the guy when he showed up.  The vendor dutifully walked with my father around the house then said: your daughter doesn't need an alarm system.  She just needs to keep feeding that dog.

I have protection.  It's why I take my girls when I fish, when I hike, when I am wandering around.  Heck, Sage even let's my bank teller in the drive-through know she is protecting her car!

Murphy's Day.

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