Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Over the weekend we went exploring.  A road that takes us to our favorite small fishing stream had a washout, the second in several years.  This time, the washout was maybe 100 yards along the road and we could walk over it to reach the other side.  Of course, since we really haven't had spring yet (ahem) there were also several patches of snow along the shady sides of the road.  Annie instantly found them and demonstrated her luge and toboggan abilities.

I really do enjoy just exploring, not necessarily having a goal in mind other than seeing birds, studying the changes in the landscape, and having time outside with the girls.  It's nice just to wander....the girls seem to enjoy it, too.  For Sage, as she gets older, she wants to spend more time just smelling the air, allowing her nose to direct her path.  Annie is still young enough that everything is new and interesting.  She is, I hope, still learning.  But then, aren't we all?

Murphy's Day.

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