Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Changing Routines

For the past three days, we changed our routines.  We ran at a different time, we ate different foods (ok, I did, the girls ate their usual gourmet dog food), and we watch movies rather than sports.

I wanted to see if we could get out of our "norms."  I've been noticing more than ever, that almost all of us get into "norms."  We have, in almost every single instance, a pattern.  Politicians have become predictable.  I can repeat lines each "side" will make on any given issue.  I laugh every time I hear a developer say that any restrictions on where they can build will hurt "moderate income housing."  Tell me, did very many developers worry about moderate income housing when they scattered McMansions throughout the countryside?  Or how predictable the discourse becomes whenever anyone suggests there are issues with our education system...you get my drift.

So, indeed we were able to not only get outside of our comfort zone, but we actually enjoyed it!  The girls seemed more energetic.  I enjoyed the change...

Hint to our political class: maybe changing your discourse will actually lead to answers!

Murphy's Day.

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