Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Standard Time

Changing the clocks is hard enough for me, but for the girls this past weekend seemed to through them for a loop.  They are totally routinized.  Late afternoon walk at 4:30, dinner at 6, wake up at 4:30AM on the weekdays, 6:30 on weekends...

So, on Monday around 3:30 they both came into my "office," wandered around, wondering when I would shove back from my desk and take them.  And every morning they have gotten up rather than sleep past when I leave for my run, thinking it's the weekend.

Lab standard time doesn't require changing clocks.  It requires settling into a new routine, an hour off...I just sense they are thinking: "Jeez, what is up with Mommie?  Do we have to re-train her?"

Murphy's Day.

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