Monday, November 15, 2010


Several weeks ago my friend Les emailed to say he had piled a trailer with "stuff" to take to the dump.  It was a multi-day, multi-room task, rummaging through many memories, then choosing to keep or discard.  So it was with me this weekend (although I didn't load a trailer).  And I only got through the piles of magazines and catalogs that enveloped my desk and back closet.  I haven't even begun to think about the basement, garage, and upstairs "guest" room.

The girls got lots of attention and urban walks.  They really are not urban dogs, so the idea of walking down to the video store or through the local market (man, do those vendors know how to rip you off in food prices!  It was one of the reasons I stopped shopping at the Pike Place Market and now, rarely, go to the chi-chi local Sunday market...and of course, the best was the guy who showed up in his double cab Toyota Tundra and hops out with his made-in-China-filled-with-lead re-usable shopping bag.  Now there is someone who is saving the Earth!  Ok, sorry, an aside rant).  So we did those walks.  They of course now like those walks even more than romping in the woods because there seem to be lots of dog biscuits involved!


Murphy's Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I resemble that double cab Tundra! And, I have a reusable shopping bag in the back, too! Not sure where it's made--but I'm guessing the plastics ones may be made overseas, too! But, usually I have a fly rod or a 20 gauge in the back seat, too, so maybe that buys me a point--or two?