Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bird Dogs?

This weekend we encountered a covey of pheasants. Quite cool, really. But my so-called bird dogs? Slept through it all. Not a peep from them.

I read an interesting article in Just Labs about field dogs versus conformation. There is a lot of discussion among lab people about the differences. Murphy was a field lab through and through. To retrieve was her destiny. Annie has lots of field lab traits in her, particularly her size, which is smaller, leaner. Sage is gorgeous, the perfect show dog but is indifferent to retrieving. She likes to swim, to dive into the water, but only for her own enjoyment, not to chase anything.

So I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised that they didn't even wake when I snapped these pictures of the pheasants. Annie isn't trained to sniff them out and Sage really couldn't care.

Murphy's day.

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