Tuesday, March 24, 2015

There Are Deer in Those Hills, Mom!

Willa is three.  Her first few days with us were spent at the Canyon.  And ever since then she knows that being in the Canyon means 'critters.'  In her early months as a pup she would sit at the edge of my bed, looking out over the fields, barking at anything that moved.  Curtains went up so I could sleep!  She still watches, guarding, but no longer barks in the middle of the night if a bug stirs.

She remains most vigilant over deer.  Those pesky critters who are tall and can run a lot faster than she does.

On our early morning walks her nose is always in the air, smelling the first whiffs of deer in the grass.

"Mom, there are deer around here some place."

"I know, Willa, I know.  They are taunting you."

Murphy's Day.

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